Thank god for Saturdays! Cartoons! Rest! BIG cups of coffee! VERY cool...
The Operations Manager (AKA My supervisor) is off to Cuba this week... Before she left I spoke to her about going back to school, and she was really excited for me! She didn't think there would be a problem with me taking Film Studies either, 'cause it's still technically a Bachelor of Arts degree... Just with a "specialization" in Film Studies. I also managed to decypher the fucking book and picked all the courses I would like to take... I can do it in 11 semesters, if I take 2 courses per semester. 4 yrs! Not bad... Pretty standard actually... I'll be 35! WOW!!!
Anyway... Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica starts tonite! Very exciting!
I am supposed to be going out tonite for a friends B-day. But I'm still getting over a sinus infection, and I have noooooooo money... Plus the weather is making my head pound! (Nothing a beer woudlon't fix though)... Anyway... I'm rambling... And its time to do some laundry...
see ya!
- Z
The Operations Manager (AKA My supervisor) is off to Cuba this week... Before she left I spoke to her about going back to school, and she was really excited for me! She didn't think there would be a problem with me taking Film Studies either, 'cause it's still technically a Bachelor of Arts degree... Just with a "specialization" in Film Studies. I also managed to decypher the fucking book and picked all the courses I would like to take... I can do it in 11 semesters, if I take 2 courses per semester. 4 yrs! Not bad... Pretty standard actually... I'll be 35! WOW!!!
Anyway... Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica starts tonite! Very exciting!
I am supposed to be going out tonite for a friends B-day. But I'm still getting over a sinus infection, and I have noooooooo money... Plus the weather is making my head pound! (Nothing a beer woudlon't fix though)... Anyway... I'm rambling... And its time to do some laundry...
see ya!
- Z