I went to the Doctor today 'cause last Friday while I was shaving I discovered a lump on my neck, which by saturday was the size of an olive! Not only was it unsightly, but it was a little tender... Anyway... My Doctor played with it for a bit, hummed and haaaa'd for a minute or two and is now sending me for some more tests... NOW I'm not really all that concerned 'cause we both think it's just a swollen lymph node 'cause I'm been fighting a horrible sinus infection, BUT instead of our usual sarcastic banter, she got nice on me... and it really threw me off... She's really never nice to me, sarcastic yes, nice... not so much... (but always attentive, and concerned). i.e. Last year I was not feeling well and she tested my liver... When I went in for the results the first thing out of her mouth was "Are you an alcoholic?" (My liver enzymes were fucked!!!). I'm not of course... Hardly ever drink actually... But that's the kind of thing she says... TODAY, she got nice. "Oh well its prob. nothing to worry about, but if you are concerned please call the office I would be happy to speak to you. Let's just get the ultrasound and see what's going on." Now if she had said... It's prob just a big zit! Relax, it'll prob be gone by the time you get in for your ultrasound... NO worries... But "I'll be happy to speak with you"? Ouch! Now I'm a little freaked... But whatever... Prob. is just a zit! hahahaha... We'll see... OR... Maybe I'm growing another head!!! Like the guy in How to Get Ahead in Advertising... Funny as shit! Rent that if you can!!!!! It's about a guy who gets a boil on his neck, and it eventually grows into a 2nd head, and takes over his body...
British humour at its best!!!!!!!
Anyway, enough ranting...
- Z

Anyway, enough ranting...
- Z

Another head would come in handy!
And good luck with the school thing, that sounds bloody confusing!