My New Years Resolutions - 2006
Okay, I know everyone makes New Years resolutions and its rare that anyone follows through on them... I'm just as guilty as the next person, BUT I have follwed through on the important ones... Like when I quite smoking (3 yrs ago). Sooooo I am bound and determined to follow through on these.
#1 Write at least 2 pages a day.
#2 Lose another 30lbs, and eat healthier...
#3 Revisit some of the languages I worked so hard to learn, and find people to practice them with...
#4 Enter more writing contests!
#5 Save some money for a trip to Scotland...
And finally...
#6 Meet some new people, and learn some cool new things...
Also as a side note.... Kate Beckinsale is nasty hot in PVC and boots! And I am dying for Underworld: Evolution to come out!
Also... X-men 3 comes out this year. They have made some interesting cast selections. Kelsey Grammer is playing Dr. McCoy aka Beast, and they have the guy from Get Over it and Big Trouble, Ben Foster showing up as Angel... I'm intrigued, but a little concerned. We will see... Could be some good fun...
Oh! And some people at work were googling the New Superman Guy (Brandon Routh) and there's a rumor going around that they had to use CG to reduce the size of his package when he was in the tights!!! Hahahahahaha... Too funny!
That's all I have for now...
- Z
Okay, I know everyone makes New Years resolutions and its rare that anyone follows through on them... I'm just as guilty as the next person, BUT I have follwed through on the important ones... Like when I quite smoking (3 yrs ago). Sooooo I am bound and determined to follow through on these.
#1 Write at least 2 pages a day.
#2 Lose another 30lbs, and eat healthier...
#3 Revisit some of the languages I worked so hard to learn, and find people to practice them with...
#4 Enter more writing contests!
#5 Save some money for a trip to Scotland...
And finally...
#6 Meet some new people, and learn some cool new things...
Also as a side note.... Kate Beckinsale is nasty hot in PVC and boots! And I am dying for Underworld: Evolution to come out!
Also... X-men 3 comes out this year. They have made some interesting cast selections. Kelsey Grammer is playing Dr. McCoy aka Beast, and they have the guy from Get Over it and Big Trouble, Ben Foster showing up as Angel... I'm intrigued, but a little concerned. We will see... Could be some good fun...
Oh! And some people at work were googling the New Superman Guy (Brandon Routh) and there's a rumor going around that they had to use CG to reduce the size of his package when he was in the tights!!! Hahahahahaha... Too funny!
That's all I have for now...
- Z

Im also looking forward to Underworld and X-3, but I'm not letting myself get my hopes up. I did with Harry Potter and it was a bit of a disappointment, or so I thought anyways.
And I agree with the whole Kate Beckinsale comment.