Happy B-Day thoughtcriminal!
I have had an excellent vacation so far... I got to spend some time with my Family which was very nice... Not relaxing at all, cause I was stayin' at a house with 3 kids under the age of 10! BUT really quite fun.
X-mas Eve day the whole Fam Damnly was over at my sisters. I cooked a 24.23 lbs turkey with all the fixin's for everyone to take some stress off my sister and mom who had their hands full. My sister had her new Boyfriend over and the kids to deal with, and My mom is still wrangling my Step-Father who had some major spinal surgery a couple of months ago, and they just found out a friend of theirs (an old school friend) was very ill and not expected to see the end of the week... BUT the meal was excellent! The bird came out perfect! and I tried a new technique for stuffing the the bird... I lined it with cheese cloth before stuffing it, so all I had to do to get the dressing out of the bird was pull out a little satchel...
A good time was had by all lots of wine and beer... My sisters new boyfriend is GREAT! Very funny, nice, great with the kids (he actually has 3 of his own).
On a sad note, we got a phone call on X-mas day. My Step-Father old school friend had passed away. It was kind of comforting to know that because of the holidays his family was able to be with him when he passed.
Anyway, despite the bad news it was a good visit, and it was nice to see the family...
- Z
I have had an excellent vacation so far... I got to spend some time with my Family which was very nice... Not relaxing at all, cause I was stayin' at a house with 3 kids under the age of 10! BUT really quite fun.
X-mas Eve day the whole Fam Damnly was over at my sisters. I cooked a 24.23 lbs turkey with all the fixin's for everyone to take some stress off my sister and mom who had their hands full. My sister had her new Boyfriend over and the kids to deal with, and My mom is still wrangling my Step-Father who had some major spinal surgery a couple of months ago, and they just found out a friend of theirs (an old school friend) was very ill and not expected to see the end of the week... BUT the meal was excellent! The bird came out perfect! and I tried a new technique for stuffing the the bird... I lined it with cheese cloth before stuffing it, so all I had to do to get the dressing out of the bird was pull out a little satchel...

On a sad note, we got a phone call on X-mas day. My Step-Father old school friend had passed away. It was kind of comforting to know that because of the holidays his family was able to be with him when he passed.
Anyway, despite the bad news it was a good visit, and it was nice to see the family...
- Z

That's really nice of you taking over the meal for your mom and sister! Hope you had fun