i'm actually really appreciatiing my new lens, i did buy a um... ( im drunk and i dont know what im talking about; like a 17-85mm fixed 2.8 zoom w/ macro) uhh i dunno im drunk. but i took it back for the least expensive one, that is actually more, but only cheaper because it was a "display lens" you know the ones you see in the class. and at first i was like man, i really liked the one i had before a lot better. and i do like the other one a lot, but after i uploaded the experiment pics i took with the new one i was really impressed. and i probably sound really stupid, but i've had a couple to drink tonight.
dunno if the shitty job of resizing and teh photobucket does it justice, but like i says. dunno what im doing, and the drinks dont fix it. ( i've mentioned "how much i drank tonight" like 34i3 times" night)
comment me for once!
buhhhh g'night
dunno if the shitty job of resizing and teh photobucket does it justice, but like i says. dunno what im doing, and the drinks dont fix it. ( i've mentioned "how much i drank tonight" like 34i3 times" night)
comment me for once!
buhhhh g'night