*blaaahhhh* its been so long since I've said anything on here. I mean sure I comment on what other people are doing & checking out some sweet SG groups, but I feel like a creeper if I don't update my journal haha.
I'm on summer break as of now. Maybe that's why I've been neglecting certain online things. I try not to though seeing is that my jobs consist of working online. I need more discipline
I usually never know what to do with myself when I have "free time". I end up looking for jobs, walking around outside, or finishing up any personal projects/illustrative commissions for people. I think this time...maybe I should design for myself. It's been almost forever since I've done that. Oh yeah! I found the photos from my fav italian girl Michele's shoot & I just noticed that I did her make-up within that shoot. I just went back & edited the ones I thought would stand out xo
She's so cute <3

I wanna collaborate with her again soon, I mean damn...I have 2 weeks of freedom. I might as well suck some creative brains for the time being. I'll need the juices for next quarter's class line up >:]
Oh yeah & you know I gotta represent my homies <3

It's totally hothothothothothothothothothot!!!
I'm on summer break as of now. Maybe that's why I've been neglecting certain online things. I try not to though seeing is that my jobs consist of working online. I need more discipline

I usually never know what to do with myself when I have "free time". I end up looking for jobs, walking around outside, or finishing up any personal projects/illustrative commissions for people. I think this time...maybe I should design for myself. It's been almost forever since I've done that. Oh yeah! I found the photos from my fav italian girl Michele's shoot & I just noticed that I did her make-up within that shoot. I just went back & edited the ones I thought would stand out xo
She's so cute <3

I wanna collaborate with her again soon, I mean damn...I have 2 weeks of freedom. I might as well suck some creative brains for the time being. I'll need the juices for next quarter's class line up >:]
Oh yeah & you know I gotta represent my homies <3

It's totally hothothothothothothothothothot!!!

But then you seem to have such fun jobs!
I think with my friends I'm a bit more... loud than I appear to be in that video. But I blame that on the shyness. When I was a kid people always commented on how low my voice was and I tried to sound more.. I don't know, high-pitched. But it just doesn't work, and now as an adult Im rather satisfied with it.
Nothing is worse than itchy synth hair on your neck during a hot sweaty day. Love that tie up. ^.^
Have any suggestions? I normally wear 120 to 130 DEs & their lengths are different (shorter at the very top of my head & then longer as you go down). Right now I have about 110 & they're thin mixed with some thicks.
Wait ... 120-130 DOUBLE ENDERS? So, like ... 240 to 260 dreads? Thats insane.