Zombie Prom was awesome

Right now I'm pretty busy looking for new books/supplies for this quarter....super annoying. On top of that, I'm stuck in the living room waiting till my landlord puts in the new windows in my bedroom. It sucks how he doesn't give a proper notice before he heads in. I could have done other things if I had known he was coming in today...such a pain in the ass to find him here...especially when all you want to do is veg out a little in your room & work quietly

The tempeture's getting lower by the day...this sucks. I hate cold. I can't complain though, I'm more motivated to walk around more & get air (not really fresh air because of the city's gross pollution).
Hmmmm what else?....... ........ .................
This sunday my bestie's coming into town so we can hang out in center city for this Outfest event. Haha everytime he comes down to hang out....it involves the gays. I don't mind it though, the boys are usually way cuter

Work's going pretty well. I don't have a lot of hrs but considering that, my managers don't mind whenever I request off. It's no one's loss since I rarely ever pull in an 8 hr shift or something. I'm only PT.
I don't know if I've mentioned it before here but I'm going to get my tongue split very sooooon!

Random...I leave you with this. Makes me el oh el everytime I see it haha

what about you hun?
haha yeah - we have so many things to be done outside!!!
yes, they are also fantastic persons!
miss you! hey once you told me that you could do some little paint for me, but i totally sux and i doesnt thought about what you could paint for me. but if you still have time and you could do something little for me, could you draw me just as your creature? do you know what does i mean? because i love your little cute creatures