Here's a random pic of me & my Asssssley just cause we're pretty epic & the rediculous amount of lager bottles in there 

Thanks to my buddy Assley pants & my rad new neighbors for letting us freeload from their network I get to have more access to the internet
Tonight I gotta catch a train to Lancaster (parents place) for visits & help my mom update her FAFSA. I love her to death but she's so lost when it comes to anything thats related to machines or internet, so to save my sanity of trying to explain everything to her over the phone I'll just head over to visually show her what to do.
There's a lot of drama between my friends lately. I don't know why people are acting so childish...especially when they're in their late twenties. I mean HHHRREALLY. Grow up. But tonight at the club I hope they don't kill each other on the dance floor.
I had 2 interviews with Buffalo Exchange this week. The only bad thought or feeling I have about it is that I'm not their type of fashionable potential employee that they're looking for. I basically named all the ho-hum designers when they asked to name some top most popular designers (Dior, Ralph Lauren, Gucci, etc) & when they asked about what kind of clothing line I like, I named some that none of the managers even heard of. It makes me think that I'm not going to get the job because of me being so "underground"
I'm still crossing my fingers. But in the mean time, I'll still search for a new job.
I better hurry & rush to the corner store because I was craving for some chocolate milk & drank my friend's milk in the fridge haha. I don't think she'll notice the switch.

Thanks to my buddy Assley pants & my rad new neighbors for letting us freeload from their network I get to have more access to the internet

Tonight I gotta catch a train to Lancaster (parents place) for visits & help my mom update her FAFSA. I love her to death but she's so lost when it comes to anything thats related to machines or internet, so to save my sanity of trying to explain everything to her over the phone I'll just head over to visually show her what to do.
There's a lot of drama between my friends lately. I don't know why people are acting so childish...especially when they're in their late twenties. I mean HHHRREALLY. Grow up. But tonight at the club I hope they don't kill each other on the dance floor.

I had 2 interviews with Buffalo Exchange this week. The only bad thought or feeling I have about it is that I'm not their type of fashionable potential employee that they're looking for. I basically named all the ho-hum designers when they asked to name some top most popular designers (Dior, Ralph Lauren, Gucci, etc) & when they asked about what kind of clothing line I like, I named some that none of the managers even heard of. It makes me think that I'm not going to get the job because of me being so "underground"

I'm still crossing my fingers. But in the mean time, I'll still search for a new job.
I better hurry & rush to the corner store because I was craving for some chocolate milk & drank my friend's milk in the fridge haha. I don't think she'll notice the switch.

and I love you,
how are you???