I have very little interweb usage guys! It sucks a lot when your profession consists of internet use at like 98.8% of the time
But other than that, life's good. My friend is feeling a lot better about her mother passing. I think its because she knows how much her friends & family is there for her <3
I'm starting class again. Only 2 days a week this quarter because of needing an actual steady job. I gotta be a slave for the dollar >:[
Ummmm....not much else is new. Except that my friends' got this new kitten that has 6 toes! I think she's so gnarly. I wish I had more time to explain in detail of what happened in the past several days but I hate using public computers...its like someone is looking over my shoulder & witnessing a boob on my screen as I look through photos
I miss internet life...ew its weird but true xoxo

But other than that, life's good. My friend is feeling a lot better about her mother passing. I think its because she knows how much her friends & family is there for her <3
I'm starting class again. Only 2 days a week this quarter because of needing an actual steady job. I gotta be a slave for the dollar >:[
Ummmm....not much else is new. Except that my friends' got this new kitten that has 6 toes! I think she's so gnarly. I wish I had more time to explain in detail of what happened in the past several days but I hate using public computers...its like someone is looking over my shoulder & witnessing a boob on my screen as I look through photos

I miss internet life...ew its weird but true xoxo

well this IS where we're all born and bred. should get your ass out here to SF. id show u the time of your life 

I hate it when my internet doesn't work for a couple of hours. I spend way too much time on it.