Since I like to torture myself with looking at incredible items online, I've decided to share them with you fellas.
Soooo to start off...I'm thinking about buying my sister this

She's into that whole "candy, vomit rainbow, glitter splash, marshmellow shower, bunny poop stuff" I hate too much color but I'm sure she'll love it

I REALLY WANT THIS TOTE! I think after I get some more cash flow, this is going to be with MEEEE hahaha. I carry a lot of art supplies & this tote is big enough to carry most of my things around from class to class. My old tattoo one is starting to look dirty :0
I've been seeing many ladies wearing these sandals in the city lately. I have to admit, they are pretty gnarly. I'm not a fan of heels (but I'd probably be caught wearing some wedge heels hehe) so flat agressive sandals do the trick for me. Hey! It's not tacky......or maybe I'm just tacky

Still reppin' for my girl Sammu's falls.

You know how you search for that certain someone that can actually understand what your style & tastes are? Yeah I think I found my new bestie when it comes to hair xoxo
Ummmm what else?
Oh! I'll be taking some pics of my new apartment soon. I really like how old it looks...especially since philadelphia is trying to "wash out" the old antique look that it has in its neighborhoods. Why? I don't know...they claim that it makes the city look more dirty. Pffftt whatever.
Last weekend clubbing was insane. Free drinks, laughs, missing clothes...crazies...I like the crazy people though, you're never bored ;D
I have a crush on a certain man though...*sigh* but he's taken :<
Soooo to start off...I'm thinking about buying my sister this

She's into that whole "candy, vomit rainbow, glitter splash, marshmellow shower, bunny poop stuff" I hate too much color but I'm sure she'll love it

I REALLY WANT THIS TOTE! I think after I get some more cash flow, this is going to be with MEEEE hahaha. I carry a lot of art supplies & this tote is big enough to carry most of my things around from class to class. My old tattoo one is starting to look dirty :0
I've been seeing many ladies wearing these sandals in the city lately. I have to admit, they are pretty gnarly. I'm not a fan of heels (but I'd probably be caught wearing some wedge heels hehe) so flat agressive sandals do the trick for me. Hey! It's not tacky......or maybe I'm just tacky

Still reppin' for my girl Sammu's falls.

You know how you search for that certain someone that can actually understand what your style & tastes are? Yeah I think I found my new bestie when it comes to hair xoxo
Ummmm what else?
Oh! I'll be taking some pics of my new apartment soon. I really like how old it looks...especially since philadelphia is trying to "wash out" the old antique look that it has in its neighborhoods. Why? I don't know...they claim that it makes the city look more dirty. Pffftt whatever.
Last weekend clubbing was insane. Free drinks, laughs, missing clothes...crazies...I like the crazy people though, you're never bored ;D
I have a crush on a certain man though...*sigh* but he's taken :<
She mentioned a week of training in chicago, do you think they'll pay for transportation and lodging?