Right, time for an update - nothing much to say really, i should perhaps mention that i might turn grey in the next few days but have no fear i will be back, it just might take me a few weeks - so please don't remove me from your lists or boot me from any groups!
I watched Layer Cake on sunday night, i thought it was shit... sometimes it seems that i am the only one holding such opinion but hey. I also watched the Motorcycle Diaries which wasn't shit, in fact i thought it was bloody marvelous!
I need to buy an old 1MB PSone memory card off eBay as i can't find mine right now and i'm fancying some old skool gaming, well, games at least six or more years old, that don't quite qualify as old skool but hey, specifically i want to play Final Fantasy VII, Tomb Raider 2, V-Rally and Dead Ball Zone - i loved DBZ! I wish they'd make it a real sport, there was no end to the entertainment in multiplayer mode when your opponent looked at you in disgusted because you'd just cut their lead strikers legs off with a chain-saw. It's the only game i know of where people start throwing up and passing out because they've been kicked the shit out of so many times during the game - it's basically Rugby or American Football, 100 years into the post-nuclear-war future and on steroids.
It just dawned on me that Leeds is now less than two weeks away and i have so little prepared, what do you think it will be like, sunny or pissy down rain? You decide for me...
Anyway, i'll close up with some Willy Mason for you to enjoy... until next time though, be good!

I watched Layer Cake on sunday night, i thought it was shit... sometimes it seems that i am the only one holding such opinion but hey. I also watched the Motorcycle Diaries which wasn't shit, in fact i thought it was bloody marvelous!

I need to buy an old 1MB PSone memory card off eBay as i can't find mine right now and i'm fancying some old skool gaming, well, games at least six or more years old, that don't quite qualify as old skool but hey, specifically i want to play Final Fantasy VII, Tomb Raider 2, V-Rally and Dead Ball Zone - i loved DBZ! I wish they'd make it a real sport, there was no end to the entertainment in multiplayer mode when your opponent looked at you in disgusted because you'd just cut their lead strikers legs off with a chain-saw. It's the only game i know of where people start throwing up and passing out because they've been kicked the shit out of so many times during the game - it's basically Rugby or American Football, 100 years into the post-nuclear-war future and on steroids.
It just dawned on me that Leeds is now less than two weeks away and i have so little prepared, what do you think it will be like, sunny or pissy down rain? You decide for me...
Anyway, i'll close up with some Willy Mason for you to enjoy... until next time though, be good!

In all fairness, I wasn't too keen on "Layer Cake" either - then again, films where nine tenths of the dialogue = "You mug!", "You muppet!" or "You slag!" have never really done it for me... 
