What have i done this weekend? Erm... well... nothing... watched the first Full Metal Panic! DVD that LOVEFiLM sent me to watch, i also watched the GP yesterday too. Apart from that all i have done fuck all besides work and sleep. *sigh*
Oh and i better mention it now, i might wander off from SG for a week or so while my iBook magically becomes an iMac! And my broadband date has been pushed back to the 30th of March as BT need to come to the house and remove my BTDA unit which supplies my ISDN access to the interweb before my 2mbps broadbandy!
My life is soooo dull... i have nothing else to say thats positive right now...
Oh and i better mention it now, i might wander off from SG for a week or so while my iBook magically becomes an iMac! And my broadband date has been pushed back to the 30th of March as BT need to come to the house and remove my BTDA unit which supplies my ISDN access to the interweb before my 2mbps broadbandy!
My life is soooo dull... i have nothing else to say thats positive right now...

Hope you are doing alright! Good luck with all the computer stuff! Hope things aren't too dull for you