I'm off to edinburgh on friday to the international games festival for the day, anyone in the vacinity and wants to meet then mail me - i know a few from sgscotland are up that way around the same time.
I went to liverpool for the first time in ages the other day, i just got bored and found some cheap rail tickets from carlisle so why the hell not eh? It was a hot but horrible day as you can see in the picture below... i took a trip on the ferry across the river mersy (just like beatles song) which might have not been such a good idea when it was so wet. Talking of the beatles, they're everywhere in liverpool which is why i don't like the place too much - it seems to live so much in the past and acts like its best days are over, even if it has undeservidly won european capital of culture 2008 it probably did so on the back of the beatles - erm... what am i talking about again?
Anyway, i visited the TATE in the docks and later FACT in the town centre - i quite enjoyed both of them, i was in a bit of a rush in the TATE and i didn't make note of a peice of video art they had on the modern art floor, it was a video regarding aircraft hijacking in the 1970's and the tensions between the us and cuba.
Liverpool on a horrible wet day... eak
FACT had a really fooking cool exhibition going down, it was entitled Computing 101B and it was by two Netherlands based artist who proper fuck up their computers buy hammering them with commands and my giving them viruses to record what happens for the sake of art, some of the large projections on the walls where amazing - using the old skool mac os they runs over loaded it with a few comands and watched the following chaos, is section was on the ground floor and under the title of "My%Desktop" - if you want to visit the exhibition then its on til september 5th and there is a link at the bottom of the post.
In other news, i have been working my ass off on a photo/video project for the past few months and now i've been paid for it in a funny but useful way - i've got some tickets for a flight to new york anytime next year with either virgin or american airlines - i've been wanting to return to nyc for sometime now and now i have the most expensive part covered!
Oh and i also went to newcastle with my mate dave the other day to visit the archigram exhibition at the balic mill art gallery, i love this building, its so contemporary but at the sametime it still looks like the flour mill it once was. Archigram was by a collective of artisis slash engineers who are bored with the idea of normal buildings - they want to design cities that can fly (re: instant city airships by pete cook) or walk (re: the walking city by ron herron) on their own accord - they challenge the mental idea of how a building should be build and how it should be used - quite facinating really but not my kind of thing if you get what i mean.
Up the front side of the glass lift shafts within the baltic itselft
FACT - Film, Art & Creative Technology
I went to liverpool for the first time in ages the other day, i just got bored and found some cheap rail tickets from carlisle so why the hell not eh? It was a hot but horrible day as you can see in the picture below... i took a trip on the ferry across the river mersy (just like beatles song) which might have not been such a good idea when it was so wet. Talking of the beatles, they're everywhere in liverpool which is why i don't like the place too much - it seems to live so much in the past and acts like its best days are over, even if it has undeservidly won european capital of culture 2008 it probably did so on the back of the beatles - erm... what am i talking about again?
Anyway, i visited the TATE in the docks and later FACT in the town centre - i quite enjoyed both of them, i was in a bit of a rush in the TATE and i didn't make note of a peice of video art they had on the modern art floor, it was a video regarding aircraft hijacking in the 1970's and the tensions between the us and cuba.

Liverpool on a horrible wet day... eak
FACT had a really fooking cool exhibition going down, it was entitled Computing 101B and it was by two Netherlands based artist who proper fuck up their computers buy hammering them with commands and my giving them viruses to record what happens for the sake of art, some of the large projections on the walls where amazing - using the old skool mac os they runs over loaded it with a few comands and watched the following chaos, is section was on the ground floor and under the title of "My%Desktop" - if you want to visit the exhibition then its on til september 5th and there is a link at the bottom of the post.
In other news, i have been working my ass off on a photo/video project for the past few months and now i've been paid for it in a funny but useful way - i've got some tickets for a flight to new york anytime next year with either virgin or american airlines - i've been wanting to return to nyc for sometime now and now i have the most expensive part covered!
Oh and i also went to newcastle with my mate dave the other day to visit the archigram exhibition at the balic mill art gallery, i love this building, its so contemporary but at the sametime it still looks like the flour mill it once was. Archigram was by a collective of artisis slash engineers who are bored with the idea of normal buildings - they want to design cities that can fly (re: instant city airships by pete cook) or walk (re: the walking city by ron herron) on their own accord - they challenge the mental idea of how a building should be build and how it should be used - quite facinating really but not my kind of thing if you get what i mean.

Up the front side of the glass lift shafts within the baltic itselft
FACT - Film, Art & Creative Technology
nice photos!!!
hahaha yeah you were true to your word bro