Yey! I got myself 48hrs off work!
I'm off somewhere today, not sure where right now but i don't feel much like hanging around the house - might take Zack to the sea and toss him in off a long pier or something not that it will actually concern him much as i'm sure he'll love looking for things to drag back home whist swimming back to shore. *sigh* ... I love him really but i really wish he would lay along side me when he comes up on my bed in the morning or better still on the floor rather than over me, he may only weigh less than 25kg but it feels like a ton when you're trying to sleep. Then again the weather is warm for 8.45am (19c/66f) at time of typing but looks quite changeable.
Anyway.... i'm convinced the people at work are all on drugs, i walked out of the office yesterday and found a few of them having what can only be described as a rave in the back of the kitchen listening to Drunken Monkey vs. EMINEM amongst other many happy hardcore tunes... i feel i'm gonna miss the place when the Carlisle store opens. I'll miss the place that is, not the travelling.

EDIT: Is it me or is this site running really slowly?, it takes forever to do anything... well, forever is probably an exaggeration but it isn't quick - i'm having flash backs to the days of dial up connections.

I'm off somewhere today, not sure where right now but i don't feel much like hanging around the house - might take Zack to the sea and toss him in off a long pier or something not that it will actually concern him much as i'm sure he'll love looking for things to drag back home whist swimming back to shore. *sigh* ... I love him really but i really wish he would lay along side me when he comes up on my bed in the morning or better still on the floor rather than over me, he may only weigh less than 25kg but it feels like a ton when you're trying to sleep. Then again the weather is warm for 8.45am (19c/66f) at time of typing but looks quite changeable.
Anyway.... i'm convinced the people at work are all on drugs, i walked out of the office yesterday and found a few of them having what can only be described as a rave in the back of the kitchen listening to Drunken Monkey vs. EMINEM amongst other many happy hardcore tunes... i feel i'm gonna miss the place when the Carlisle store opens. I'll miss the place that is, not the travelling.

EDIT: Is it me or is this site running really slowly?, it takes forever to do anything... well, forever is probably an exaggeration but it isn't quick - i'm having flash backs to the days of dial up connections.

As for the Home page, you have to click the word home and it should load a page with your PM inbox at the top (Below the usual banners and your profile pic), then have the 3 most recent blog updates from friends/bookmars with the last 6 pictures uploaded by your friends next to that, then below that is your groups list with the last updates in each group
If that isn't loaded I sugest you contact the help team for further assitance