Azumanga Daioh ~ Website (ADV)
This has to be the funniest anime i have watched in ages, i'm up to Vol. 3 right now and there are moments where i need to pause the DVD to catch my breath because i am laughing way too much to follow what is going on. The thing is, it's so stupid not to mention pointless and i don't mean that in a bad way, i mean it as in it's just totally fucking crazy. Even the shows intro is a sign as to the madness you're about to be exposed to over the next twenty minutes.
But strangely, the show has a serious note which i can't stop thinking about - one of the male tutor characters (he's in the intro) in the show openly admits both verbally and by actions that he is only in his job so he can be with and around high-school girls. I can't think of one tv show suitable for kids 12+ on UK tv that deals with the issue of pedophilia - in fact i would say in western shows the subject is avoided like it where the plague were as Azumanga Daioh just knocks it around for jokes. The girls in the show are horrified at what this tutor comes out with and tries to do as you would expect but what this suggests to me is that Japanese girls (and indeed boys too) about to enter high-school or are already in high-school and are watching shows like this (Azumanga Daioh was quite successful both in this animated form and as an original Manga) are much more aware of the potential risks of blindly trusting authority figures where as western girls of a similar age are maybe a little more naive. I have no evidence to suggest what i suggest is correct and i haven't done any research into the related crime statistics but it wouldn't surprise me if i was indeed correct.
Lazy Ear Candy ~ listen
The Zutons: Not A Lot To Do
Album: Who Killed...The Zutons (2004)

This has to be the funniest anime i have watched in ages, i'm up to Vol. 3 right now and there are moments where i need to pause the DVD to catch my breath because i am laughing way too much to follow what is going on. The thing is, it's so stupid not to mention pointless and i don't mean that in a bad way, i mean it as in it's just totally fucking crazy. Even the shows intro is a sign as to the madness you're about to be exposed to over the next twenty minutes.
But strangely, the show has a serious note which i can't stop thinking about - one of the male tutor characters (he's in the intro) in the show openly admits both verbally and by actions that he is only in his job so he can be with and around high-school girls. I can't think of one tv show suitable for kids 12+ on UK tv that deals with the issue of pedophilia - in fact i would say in western shows the subject is avoided like it where the plague were as Azumanga Daioh just knocks it around for jokes. The girls in the show are horrified at what this tutor comes out with and tries to do as you would expect but what this suggests to me is that Japanese girls (and indeed boys too) about to enter high-school or are already in high-school and are watching shows like this (Azumanga Daioh was quite successful both in this animated form and as an original Manga) are much more aware of the potential risks of blindly trusting authority figures where as western girls of a similar age are maybe a little more naive. I have no evidence to suggest what i suggest is correct and i haven't done any research into the related crime statistics but it wouldn't surprise me if i was indeed correct.
Lazy Ear Candy ~ listen
The Zutons: Not A Lot To Do
Album: Who Killed...The Zutons (2004)
There is one game everyone missed.
its called super monkey ball. Not the best game for 1 player, but on the multi games the pool, bowling and my personal favorite, Monkey target are just great.
Monkey target had me and some friends going for weeks before we got bored. You roll off a ski jump type ramp and open your wings, then try to land on targets in the sea.
mario golf is a belter too.
Anyway i have serveral games I can lend you if you like. I got 2 gamecubes, one is american, one english, so I`ll check what i have on the english one.
Of course you could get freeloader for 20 quid, and then you can have windwaker, mario sunshine, and a few others on long term loan if you like.
Speak on the morrow
Star Wars Rogue Leader
Phantasy Star Online 1 2
Mario Kart
Super Monkey Ball 2
Resident Evil 4
StarFox Adventures
Eternal Darkness
Soul Calibur
Zelda WindWaker
Paper Mario
Super Mario Sunshine
Skies Of Arcadia
Metroid Prime
So the offer is there, any of these you are interested in.
Back on on Monday
Have a good weekend