Looky what i got in the post this morning!!
I absolutely loved this game, the graphics where shit (even for 1997) the sound track was dire but the gameplay was outstanding - i've yet (hand across heart) to come across a racing game as exciting as TOCA was. In championship mode it was pure evil... every round you'd have to race twice, a short sprint race and the longer race afterwards and you'd need to do them both before you could save but the thing is, for the first few venues the game would be fairly so so and you'd bag a few race wins to build up some confidence just before the game crushes you in the next round. I loved how on the edge the game was, you'd be going along with the racing pack and you could just feel that if you went a little bit faster you were going to end up in a wall but if you went just a tad slower the cars behind you would kick your ass into the next corner, you'd be going around long bends without lifting off the throttle using as much of the black stuff as you could and the back of the car (particularly in the Renaults) would be bouncing around. Knock Hill would always be a wet race and i feared them, wet races = car suicide - more often than not half the field would record DNFs - thing is, if you chose to drive the Audi (the only four wheel drive car in the championship) you'd have sooo much better traction on these wet circuits but on the dry ones you'd struggle to keep up with the lead pack but then you where also less likely to slip off the road. Honestly, it was 9 times out of 10 on the edge of your seat stuff... i'm pretty sure it's as cheap as chips these days so if you see a copy buy it! You'll love it if you love racing games.
Anyway, i'm off to Edinbugria for the night....

I absolutely loved this game, the graphics where shit (even for 1997) the sound track was dire but the gameplay was outstanding - i've yet (hand across heart) to come across a racing game as exciting as TOCA was. In championship mode it was pure evil... every round you'd have to race twice, a short sprint race and the longer race afterwards and you'd need to do them both before you could save but the thing is, for the first few venues the game would be fairly so so and you'd bag a few race wins to build up some confidence just before the game crushes you in the next round. I loved how on the edge the game was, you'd be going along with the racing pack and you could just feel that if you went a little bit faster you were going to end up in a wall but if you went just a tad slower the cars behind you would kick your ass into the next corner, you'd be going around long bends without lifting off the throttle using as much of the black stuff as you could and the back of the car (particularly in the Renaults) would be bouncing around. Knock Hill would always be a wet race and i feared them, wet races = car suicide - more often than not half the field would record DNFs - thing is, if you chose to drive the Audi (the only four wheel drive car in the championship) you'd have sooo much better traction on these wet circuits but on the dry ones you'd struggle to keep up with the lead pack but then you where also less likely to slip off the road. Honestly, it was 9 times out of 10 on the edge of your seat stuff... i'm pretty sure it's as cheap as chips these days so if you see a copy buy it! You'll love it if you love racing games.
Anyway, i'm off to Edinbugria for the night....
It's the Wheel's replacement lol