I am going to take a set soon. I think I have a good chance.
Is this your prefered way of communicating with people? (online)
If so, why? If not, what is?
My friend has to go to domestic violence court for kicking her kid's dad's car when he wouldn't let her (the kid) out of the house. She has to go there with all of the hard-core abusers and take anger management classes. She kicked a car.
For all of you that live in the bay, there's a RTS party today. you should all go in my stead.
Do you all have a valentine?
oh yeah...i am going to make tasty vegan brownies today. you should all come over and have some.
Is this your prefered way of communicating with people? (online)
If so, why? If not, what is?
My friend has to go to domestic violence court for kicking her kid's dad's car when he wouldn't let her (the kid) out of the house. She has to go there with all of the hard-core abusers and take anger management classes. She kicked a car.
For all of you that live in the bay, there's a RTS party today. you should all go in my stead.
Do you all have a valentine?
oh yeah...i am going to make tasty vegan brownies today. you should all come over and have some.
Hi, good luck on your set.
I feel dumb for having to ask, but what is RTS?