Cigarettes were sold at any of the small newspaper stands that lined the banks of the street. The problem for Jonah was getting the money discreetly out of the makeshift wallet stuck to his stomach. He turned to a near wall and wrangled with himself for a moment until he pulled what seemed to be the right amount of money out of the plastic bag. He knew that he probably looked like he was pissing up against the wall, but he shook off the thought and presented the money to the nearest vendor.
Um, can I get a hard pack of Persephones? he asked. He didnt like to say the phrase hard pack. It sounded vaguely sexual and he always had to stifle the immature giggles whenever he said it. The man handed him his cigarettes and change and then Jonah was ready to face the unsettling brilliance of the city.
The sky had lightened somewhat and the previous nights rain had pushed the smoke and ash down into the gutters where it flowed until the dark of the city claimed it. When the sun emerged from in between clouds, Jonah could barely look up because the rotten buildings took up the glow and shone with an old, dull light. He started to unwrap his cigarettes when a shabbily dressed man approached him. Jonah tried to sidle over to the other side of the newspaper kiosk, but the man had already marked him as a target. He looked Jonah in the eye and extended his index finger upward.
Fucking bright today, he said. Jonah nodded and tossed the plastic from the cigarettes on the ground. Do you think I could get one of those off of you? Ill give you a quarter, the man said, indicating the pack of Persephones. Jonah handed one to him and shook his head when the man reached into his pocket. He started to walk away when the man called to him again. Hey. Do you think I can get a light too? Jonah extended his arm and handed the man his plastic lighter. He looked briefly at the mans face as he lit the cigarette and saw that the man had a lazy eye; one pupil focused on the cigarette, while the other appealed heavenward. Jonah couldnt help following the eyes path upward until the man returned his lighter. Eighteen cigarettes left, Jonah thought. He spun away from the man and joined the flow of people that were making their way down the sidewalk. The man called after him, but Jonah didnt understand the words. It sounded something like Latin. He didnt turn around.
and so. i hope to get a decent picture of myself on here.
Um, can I get a hard pack of Persephones? he asked. He didnt like to say the phrase hard pack. It sounded vaguely sexual and he always had to stifle the immature giggles whenever he said it. The man handed him his cigarettes and change and then Jonah was ready to face the unsettling brilliance of the city.
The sky had lightened somewhat and the previous nights rain had pushed the smoke and ash down into the gutters where it flowed until the dark of the city claimed it. When the sun emerged from in between clouds, Jonah could barely look up because the rotten buildings took up the glow and shone with an old, dull light. He started to unwrap his cigarettes when a shabbily dressed man approached him. Jonah tried to sidle over to the other side of the newspaper kiosk, but the man had already marked him as a target. He looked Jonah in the eye and extended his index finger upward.
Fucking bright today, he said. Jonah nodded and tossed the plastic from the cigarettes on the ground. Do you think I could get one of those off of you? Ill give you a quarter, the man said, indicating the pack of Persephones. Jonah handed one to him and shook his head when the man reached into his pocket. He started to walk away when the man called to him again. Hey. Do you think I can get a light too? Jonah extended his arm and handed the man his plastic lighter. He looked briefly at the mans face as he lit the cigarette and saw that the man had a lazy eye; one pupil focused on the cigarette, while the other appealed heavenward. Jonah couldnt help following the eyes path upward until the man returned his lighter. Eighteen cigarettes left, Jonah thought. He spun away from the man and joined the flow of people that were making their way down the sidewalk. The man called after him, but Jonah didnt understand the words. It sounded something like Latin. He didnt turn around.
and so. i hope to get a decent picture of myself on here.
its good to have your writing back again. a tattoo across your clavicle...i must say that is the key to my heart. *sigh*

I wait impatiently for missives.