Yeah, some of you caught me. I am back on the ol' SG. I paid nine dollars for a month. And, lucky lucky for you, I am going to be putting some pictures on here....some updated ones! so yeah, story: well, the program is not loading so, maybe later.
school is well; for those of you who care, i am taking a break from japanese and focusing on transfer credits.
going through some interesting and adventurous times right now. please, tell me about your lives.
school is well; for those of you who care, i am taking a break from japanese and focusing on transfer credits.
going through some interesting and adventurous times right now. please, tell me about your lives.
I moved, but my address is essentially the same. Apartment 2a now.
I need letters!
ohh, everything is about the same here. this my last semester before i transfer and i am actually starting to enjoy school again. what school are you going to in Stockton?