Saw "Sin City" today on the living room projector. It's very cool if you are familiar with the comic book, which I unfortunately was not, but I really enjoyed it anyway. It impressed me a as a little cheesy in the beginning, but then Sage explained that it's based on a comic book - the cheese was not of that nasty Hollywood cheese, but of superhero comic book cheese, which is a much better and very enjoyable type of cheese. There's something about a comic book hero calling his woman "his Valkyrie" that does make it very pleasant to watch - The "Oh My God, Ewwww" factor, which is always there if you are watching a scene with actors that represent real human beings in real life, is simply not there if the actors represent comic book characters. This movie well deserves its place in the top 250 of list.
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Sunday Nov 05, 2006
I'm back, biatches! -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
Watched "The Chronicles of Narnia" on the projector. Yay for Swilda. -
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Sunday Feb 19, 2006
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