There is no end, there is only beginning. But it comes..

the dark, the light, the colors so over whelming, so consuming, yet..

We make our own Destiny, we bend fate to our will, for we are the stars of our own Epic show.

It has been said that we are merely players on this stage of life, and that our time is brief.

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Is it bad that I was totally checking out the cashier at Burger King? I mean she was tall, hot, and giving me my delicious fast food that will probably kill me (hence some danger).... I mean I'm sure she was at least 18 but probably no more than 24.... <sigh> I feel old....

Must go out somewhere this weekend...

Man I need some fun, something invigorating... just feeling lulled into the bordum that is the routine of life and I can't take it anymore!!!

I need adventure, wilderness, sex, life!

and all I have is the net...
Hmmm starting to get some friend requests from some random young girls.... Can't help but accept, can't help but wonder if they're bots, can't help but wonder why, can't help but know it's all ether...

For we walk in the shadows of light and electricity,
The hobgoblins peer towards our dreams and something dies,

but the sounds are muffled by our own laughter... here in...
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Made it to Friday... thankfully. soo tired... but must make it thru the work day...

Just watched the first half of the Chargers game.... no good vibes from our line or our D-Fense. and I'm sick of BR as an Announcer. He's a fricken idiotic duoche. Oh well at least Rivers will be lighting it up when he's not flat on his back.

Go Bolts!


Well totally enjoying looking at all the wonderful women on the site, although I'm not sure I'll actually meet people thru the site. But still interesting enough...

Back to the work grind for me... Takin' care of the Folks house and cats for the week, so I have A/C for the week! Woot.


Another week of work over... Should be a good Weekend Series with the Padres... AUV team starts up again this weekend... a week of House sitting and A/C ahead of me...

<sigh> Should be happier than I am...

Onward and downward!
First thing is first I need to upload some photos that fit..

Been curious about this site for awhile and thought I'd check it out. I totally dig strong women who aren't necessarily some big chested mainstream blonde, tend to like my women with Dark hair, deep eyes, and a brain.

Anyway my weekend was enjoyable even though the SD Starlettes lost to the SB...
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Right on. Welcome aboard. biggrin