Someday I'll find a away to break thru the day and find the light that lives all around and is... Untill then I survice the darkness of the day and the night..
Another work year ends... In a month It'll be 2 years working at the same place.. It's been nice. It's close to what I want to do, and the people are nice to work with. Still not quite a complete fit. It could be much worse, and I guess I'm getting some nice job experience and learning some important things. Plus digging out of debt...
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Man too rainy for Santacon and this cold I've been nursing, so Hannakah Harry will have to wait until next year...

2 Weeks left in the NFl regular season... Chargers still need some help from either the Titans or dare I say the Raiders....

Man Rain in SD is just lame, I think people drive purposely bad when it rains here...

At least Roller Derby is this weekend... I need some fun...


Friggen' Viruses... Man what's with the new strain that fake like the're a virus removal program that you need to buy in order to relieve your infected computer?

It's like the virus is trying to shake you down.... Ugh...

Eh, Lazyness and rest isn't all bad. Plus I now have some cash in the bank... these are good things...

Back to work in 13 hours.... should be good.

Ugh, so far vacation has been a total bust.

I need to make plans or at least follow thru a bit more with my ideas on how to enjoy it and not get sucked into doing crap cause I have free time...

Arrrrgh... somewhere there's a pool side, a drink , a chick just missing me. frown

So 5 more work days till 9 days off in a row... will be nice. I need a break.

Not totally sure what the hell I'll be doing over the break but it will be a break.

Vacation plans go down the drain again... so I have a week off work coming up and nothing planned to do... I have a little bit of cash to spend, but travel just seems so freaken' expensive... not lookin to go into debt just to have some RnR...

I'll figure something out, even if it's just spending a week at a flea motel by the...
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It all keeps rolling along.... I think I'll be lookin to apply to Grad school soon. The job is getting old, they still treat me right for the most part, but the work itself is stale. It's just not my cup of tea although I've learned a lot and enjoyed working with most of my co-workers. The money is ok, but it's not like it's...
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