so today was a really nice day. i got up late. bleeched my hair, so now it's ultra-blonde, i fucken love it. then i went for a job hunt, but instead of finding a job i found myself wasting money. dude, shopping IS everything. yeah i know, i'm such a grrl sometimes. then i went with my friend to get tattooed. she got her 1st tattoo. it's the same draw her late boyfriend had. i totally adore her for getting that tatt. anyway, i love spending time at the tattoo studio. speaking of which, i might be starting a back piece soon even though my half sleeve isn't done yet
but i still dunno what's up with that. what else? i'm having strange sex dreams lately. i really need some henky penky. but i'm no longer foolin' around. right now i'm saving myself for that special boy in my life. i'm not even sure what's up with us.. it's kinda fucked up..don't ask. and he is working like 24/7
next time i'ma see him i'm gonna fuck his brains out
. but until then, i'm gonna look for something to smoke around here..

right on

he's a lucky guy