well im back from my little week long vac. and man did i have
fun. i got to get away more offen, haha. didnt really do much
but chill and hang out with friends, but then again i dont
need to do a ton of shit while trying to relaxe and have a
good time, right?
i spent only 200$ cause thats all i took
with me haha, so thats not to bad.
my daughter starts school next week so im happy about that
but pissed off at the same time cause i have to go out
and spend extra money on uniforms. i mean what the fuck
shes almost 5 shes not in a gang or gonna make fun of
someone for wearing something different then her. at that
age they dont know any better and are there to have a good
time. whats the deal?
i had to take out one of my rib piercings cause it was getting all infected and my body was rejecting it.
im sad about
it but ill be alright, at lease now its not hurting no more. its
gonna take awhile now for it to get better, hopfully not to
fun. i got to get away more offen, haha. didnt really do much
but chill and hang out with friends, but then again i dont
need to do a ton of shit while trying to relaxe and have a
good time, right?

with me haha, so thats not to bad.
my daughter starts school next week so im happy about that
but pissed off at the same time cause i have to go out
and spend extra money on uniforms. i mean what the fuck
shes almost 5 shes not in a gang or gonna make fun of
someone for wearing something different then her. at that
age they dont know any better and are there to have a good
time. whats the deal?

i had to take out one of my rib piercings cause it was getting all infected and my body was rejecting it.

it but ill be alright, at lease now its not hurting no more. its
gonna take awhile now for it to get better, hopfully not to

Man...Thats an awesome fuckin' profile picture

spending $200 on a weeks vacation sounds awesome