so i got a cold and that sucks big time, but i did see a doc
for it and got me on meds so im feeling better.
ive been working alot, this week the only day i have off
is wed. so ill be working 5 days, blahhh im starting to slack off alot too, i just want to have fun anymore and not worry
about making a ton of money. i guess thats a good thing
and bad lol, good im having fun and im not a money
grubbing bitch and, bad cause im not making a ton of
money lol win win
so ive been doing alot of thinking about having another baby, i just might be crazy cause kids r a handful and cost alot of $ still young, but i deff want another kid. maybe ill
want another year or so. im deff very happy with my body
right now
my hair is growing out and im not sure if i want it to be long
again or keep it short for a little bit longer. its hard to curl up
though. i didnt mind it so much when it was long but i had to
put it up alot just so it would stay out of my way and coloring
it cost to much lol... i think next week sometime im just gonna
dye it black, im sick of the pink now, ive had it to long feels
like. i like my nick name everyone calls me, pinky. its cute
i think. where i live no one i mean no one in this town has
color there all normal so i stand out which is good and bad lol
theres like a chuch on every block, scary
okay well ill write again. bye
for it and got me on meds so im feeling better.
ive been working alot, this week the only day i have off
is wed. so ill be working 5 days, blahhh im starting to slack off alot too, i just want to have fun anymore and not worry
about making a ton of money. i guess thats a good thing
and bad lol, good im having fun and im not a money
grubbing bitch and, bad cause im not making a ton of
money lol win win

so ive been doing alot of thinking about having another baby, i just might be crazy cause kids r a handful and cost alot of $ still young, but i deff want another kid. maybe ill
want another year or so. im deff very happy with my body
right now

my hair is growing out and im not sure if i want it to be long
again or keep it short for a little bit longer. its hard to curl up
though. i didnt mind it so much when it was long but i had to
put it up alot just so it would stay out of my way and coloring
it cost to much lol... i think next week sometime im just gonna
dye it black, im sick of the pink now, ive had it to long feels
like. i like my nick name everyone calls me, pinky. its cute
i think. where i live no one i mean no one in this town has
color there all normal so i stand out which is good and bad lol
theres like a chuch on every block, scary

okay well ill write again. bye

Happy Birthday!!!

happy b day nice pics and ink