i got some money from people for xmas and socks lol so that was nice. my daughter got a ton of shit and no im not gonna tell u all about it cause it would be a long list lol. thank god i got this job workin at a club or else she would have only got a few things for xmas. im not sure how long this job is gonna last though cause its kinda stressful, long hours and everyday im there and hardly no sleep. ive been workin there for like a month in a half i guess if i make it a few more months then i guess i can say im staying lol
me and a girl i work with she got accepted to be a SG too so we are talking about doin a few shoots together to improve our chances of being accepted. lets keep our fingers crossed
ok, ill write more later.

me and a girl i work with she got accepted to be a SG too so we are talking about doin a few shoots together to improve our chances of being accepted. lets keep our fingers crossed

ok, ill write more later.

i saw a comment you left a while back saying you were moving to ft drum...did that ever happen? thats where i am and my boyfriends just left to go to colorado and im lonely. if yer here maybe we could get together sometime.
