yaaaaaa a new month! most of the people i know who are in Iraq fighting the war will be back this month. im so happy about that, i miss them all so very much.
i got bit by a fire ant last night, the little fucker got me while i was sittin and talking to my friend at the tat shop. i cant wait to move by the end of this year. ill be so happy to get out of this state.
i added a few new pics and ill add more soon, been kinda busy latly. i got my hair cut yesturday too, it looks pretty much the same but shorter
i think next week im gonna get the tats on my legs finished, not sure yet but hopfully.
i got bit by a fire ant last night, the little fucker got me while i was sittin and talking to my friend at the tat shop. i cant wait to move by the end of this year. ill be so happy to get out of this state.
i added a few new pics and ill add more soon, been kinda busy latly. i got my hair cut yesturday too, it looks pretty much the same but shorter

hey, have a great weekend!
your very cute and sexy