r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. Who are your best friends?:
*Silas / SHAN!/Xyn / Miss Oh...
2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:
* Boyfriend yes!
... the ladies are in canada... still haven't found one in London
3. Longest relationship?:
*3 years and 2 months
4. How many actual relationships have you been in?:
* 3
5. How many people have you kissed?:
* *lol* too many!
6. Are you shy around your crush?:
* yeah sometimes..
7. Still have feelings for anyone you've been in a past relationship with?:
8. Do you know what it feels like to be in love?:
*yeah !
9. Would you sacrifice your favourite possession for your best friends?:
* Totally!
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. Where is your favorite place to shop?:
* Queen street in Toronto... like spylab, oddessy, mothership...
and online @ / /
2. Have any tattoos or piercings?:
* uh huh
3. What is your favorite thing to wear?:
* my emily 'kitty' hoodie... it has kitty ears...and kitten mittens that look like paws!
4. What is a must have accessory?:
* SWEAR shoes
5. How much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing?:
* 600 dollars... a leather winter coat... it'll last for years anyway
7. Who is the most fashionable person you know?:
* Me
8. Who is the least fashionable person you know?
* awww.... my dad
9. Do you match your belt with your hair color?:
* hmm... no. ?
10. What is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good?:
* acid wash jeans... in 3rd grade
11. What are you wearing right now?:
* a black baby t... with 3 monkies on it..
(see/hear/speak/no evil) boxer shorts
12. How many pairs of shoes do you own?:
* hmmmm like 11?
13. What is the worst trend you see today?:
* CowBoy Boots
s p e c i f i c s
1. Do you do drugs?
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?:
* it's from the store LUSH 'cynthia Sylvia Stout'
best shampoo EVER!
3. What are you most scared of?:
* getting REALLY REALLY old...and helpless !
4. What are you listening to right now?:
* Shy FX 'ganja kru'
5. Who was the last person that called?
* my lover!
6. Where do you want to get married?:
* on a beach... like ibiza !!
7. How many buddies are online right now?:
* 5
8. What would you change about yourself?:
* get in shape... eat healthy
(but that will start AFTER the holiday season)
9. What are essentials in your life?:
*love/ charlie/maryjane/ food/ MUSIC/ laughter...
10. If you had the power to do any one thing, what would it be?:
* be invisible
11. What nationality are you?:
*born in south africa.... and I AM CANADIAN!!!
*my dad: indonesian/malay/chinese
*my mom: German
12. Do you send out holiday cards each year?: no
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. Given someone a bath?
* yeah itz fun to take a bath with someone
2. Smoked?: yes
3. Bungee jumped?: yes
4. Made yourself throw up?: no
5. Skinny dipped?: yes
6. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: in elementary school
7. Cried when someone died?: yes
8. Fallen for your best friend?: yes
9. Been rejected?: yes
10. Rejected someone?: yes
11. Used someone?: with permission
12. Been used?: yes
c u r r e n t
1. Hair: bedhead!
2. Music: CALIBRE 'drop it down'
3. Make-up: *eyeliner black and silver * Mac 'lipglass lipgloss'
4. Annoyance: people
5. Scent: 'allure'
6. Favourite artist: Goldie
7. Favourite group: RadioHead
8. Desktop picture: Masuimi max
10. CD in player: CD?? i'm at my computer so everything is MP3
11. DVD in player: 'How High'
Omnia vincit amor

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. Who are your best friends?:
*Silas / SHAN!/Xyn / Miss Oh...
2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:
* Boyfriend yes!
3. Longest relationship?:
*3 years and 2 months
4. How many actual relationships have you been in?:
* 3
5. How many people have you kissed?:
* *lol* too many!
6. Are you shy around your crush?:
* yeah sometimes..

7. Still have feelings for anyone you've been in a past relationship with?:
8. Do you know what it feels like to be in love?:
*yeah !

9. Would you sacrifice your favourite possession for your best friends?:
* Totally!
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. Where is your favorite place to shop?:
* Queen street in Toronto... like spylab, oddessy, mothership...
and online @ / /
2. Have any tattoos or piercings?:
* uh huh

3. What is your favorite thing to wear?:
* my emily 'kitty' hoodie... it has kitty ears...and kitten mittens that look like paws!
4. What is a must have accessory?:
* SWEAR shoes
5. How much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing?:
* 600 dollars... a leather winter coat... it'll last for years anyway
7. Who is the most fashionable person you know?:
* Me
8. Who is the least fashionable person you know?
* awww.... my dad
9. Do you match your belt with your hair color?:
* hmm... no. ?
10. What is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good?:
* acid wash jeans... in 3rd grade
11. What are you wearing right now?:
* a black baby t... with 3 monkies on it..
(see/hear/speak/no evil) boxer shorts
12. How many pairs of shoes do you own?:
* hmmmm like 11?
13. What is the worst trend you see today?:
* CowBoy Boots
s p e c i f i c s

1. Do you do drugs?

2. What kind of shampoo do you use?:
* it's from the store LUSH 'cynthia Sylvia Stout'
best shampoo EVER!

3. What are you most scared of?:
* getting REALLY REALLY old...and helpless !
4. What are you listening to right now?:
* Shy FX 'ganja kru'
5. Who was the last person that called?
* my lover!
6. Where do you want to get married?:
* on a beach... like ibiza !!

7. How many buddies are online right now?:
* 5
8. What would you change about yourself?:
* get in shape... eat healthy
(but that will start AFTER the holiday season)
9. What are essentials in your life?:
*love/ charlie/maryjane/ food/ MUSIC/ laughter...
10. If you had the power to do any one thing, what would it be?:
* be invisible
11. What nationality are you?:
*born in south africa.... and I AM CANADIAN!!!
*my dad: indonesian/malay/chinese
*my mom: German

12. Do you send out holiday cards each year?: no
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. Given someone a bath?

* yeah itz fun to take a bath with someone
2. Smoked?: yes
3. Bungee jumped?: yes
4. Made yourself throw up?: no
5. Skinny dipped?: yes
6. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: in elementary school
7. Cried when someone died?: yes
8. Fallen for your best friend?: yes
9. Been rejected?: yes
10. Rejected someone?: yes
11. Used someone?: with permission

12. Been used?: yes
c u r r e n t
1. Hair: bedhead!
2. Music: CALIBRE 'drop it down'

3. Make-up: *eyeliner black and silver * Mac 'lipglass lipgloss'
4. Annoyance: people
5. Scent: 'allure'
6. Favourite artist: Goldie
7. Favourite group: RadioHead
8. Desktop picture: Masuimi max
10. CD in player: CD?? i'm at my computer so everything is MP3
11. DVD in player: 'How High'

Omnia vincit amor
I want some...