Well schucks guys. I am definitely having a better weekend than last.
THanks for all your support. Life can go from sucking to being awesome. It's just crazy that way.
So I got all my school shit done so I can play this weekend without any guilt.
I went to one of the craziest parties I had been to i a really long time. There were a ton drunk college girls hot tubbing in their underwear. It was beautiful. I am suprised no one slipped and hit their head though.
I had a crazy situation happen where my classmate (who was there with her boyfriend) came out as actively bi and was flirting with me. She let me know her bf was ok with her making out with girls as long as he was there. Jon was there just grinning the whole time she was telling me this and talking about her love for boobies and eventually whispered in my ear "do you want to kiss her?" Whoa! DId I ever?
SO we did. And it was awesome. SHe has a tiny mouth.
Then she was asking jon if her boyfriend could kiss me (or jonI wasn't exactly sure) and I could tell he had reached his limit of making out with friends in front of 50 at a party.
It was so naughty and yet not. It felt perfectly normal, fun and natural and I would have been happy going further if Jon would have been ok with it. I guess I have learned that I am the kind of person who would be happy to be in a monogamous relatioship the rest of my life but still have happy make out friends.
Anyhoo. Jon is super duper hung over today but I feel great. I am looking forward to talking about this so we can figure out if it was a one time deal or a step towards something else.
I like being a grown up.
THanks for all your support. Life can go from sucking to being awesome. It's just crazy that way.
So I got all my school shit done so I can play this weekend without any guilt.
I went to one of the craziest parties I had been to i a really long time. There were a ton drunk college girls hot tubbing in their underwear. It was beautiful. I am suprised no one slipped and hit their head though.
I had a crazy situation happen where my classmate (who was there with her boyfriend) came out as actively bi and was flirting with me. She let me know her bf was ok with her making out with girls as long as he was there. Jon was there just grinning the whole time she was telling me this and talking about her love for boobies and eventually whispered in my ear "do you want to kiss her?" Whoa! DId I ever?
SO we did. And it was awesome. SHe has a tiny mouth.
Then she was asking jon if her boyfriend could kiss me (or jonI wasn't exactly sure) and I could tell he had reached his limit of making out with friends in front of 50 at a party.

It was so naughty and yet not. It felt perfectly normal, fun and natural and I would have been happy going further if Jon would have been ok with it. I guess I have learned that I am the kind of person who would be happy to be in a monogamous relatioship the rest of my life but still have happy make out friends.
Anyhoo. Jon is super duper hung over today but I feel great. I am looking forward to talking about this so we can figure out if it was a one time deal or a step towards something else.
I like being a grown up.
Too bad there's no pics of your girl on girl kiss.