I re-arranged my upstairs living room and am happy with how much more room I have. I love re-arranging everything once in a while. I found so much shit I haven't seen in months.
THings are good at home again. So much communication, laughter, sincerity and INTERACTION! If this is what happens when you almost break up, I think I need to pick fights more often.
Fuck flowers btw, I love it when he brings me a beer I haven't tried.
Right now I am sipping on a 22 Bear Republic "racer 5" Indian pale ale and it's delicious.
Working out is starting to pay off. I have lost about 5 lbs the last few months, increased my flexibility A LOT, and am starting to see a little more muscle definition in my arms and abs. My ass is still huge but that's just the way I want it.
I am about half done with what I wanted to accomplish this weekend school wise which is awesome. Maybe I'll earn a night out tomorrow night.
Tonight the plan is more beer, hamburgers, ginger coleslaw and 4 episodes of smallville. I heard the series is good if you can get past the first season. Sounds like our Buffy the Vampire slayer experience.
Anyway, thanks again for the b-day wishes and the relationship support. This week is going SO much better than last.
THings are good at home again. So much communication, laughter, sincerity and INTERACTION! If this is what happens when you almost break up, I think I need to pick fights more often.

Fuck flowers btw, I love it when he brings me a beer I haven't tried.
Right now I am sipping on a 22 Bear Republic "racer 5" Indian pale ale and it's delicious.
Working out is starting to pay off. I have lost about 5 lbs the last few months, increased my flexibility A LOT, and am starting to see a little more muscle definition in my arms and abs. My ass is still huge but that's just the way I want it.
I am about half done with what I wanted to accomplish this weekend school wise which is awesome. Maybe I'll earn a night out tomorrow night.
Tonight the plan is more beer, hamburgers, ginger coleslaw and 4 episodes of smallville. I heard the series is good if you can get past the first season. Sounds like our Buffy the Vampire slayer experience.
Anyway, thanks again for the b-day wishes and the relationship support. This week is going SO much better than last.

So you thinking of going to Eugene? I'm thinking of getting together a carpool. I'm also thinking of going to the KLCC Microbrew Festival on the same day. Are you and John both free?
I just went through your photos I'm steeling the ones from the night of the yurt. I forgot you had a camera. Everyone look so cute that night. I think it was the booze.