Hi every one ******* So when i was a kid i every summer school vacation I spent time in the village with my grandmother. There were not many children. And those children that lived there were busy helping parents on their farms. So most of the time i play and wolk around vs my dog . And sure contact vs other animals too . And...
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It might sound impossible. But believe it or not, there is actual research working towards that very idea, and it seems to be making progress. I wanted to be a actor and famous musician. I wanted to write and star in my movies and write the music for them as well. Sadly today I am a Apartment Manager. Far from my childhood dream Haha
wich kind of dog you had ? @yulyafox

I belive in many things what seem very weird to most ppl ))) So I will tell u about the most NOT strange to do not looks like absolutely crazy ))) 1st of all i belive that all happen for a reason . All ppl who left some mark in our memory and heard thay had mission to get us a lesson. And until we...
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@IRONSIDES1964:Β I thinl chemicals every whearΒ  it is a reason 90%Β  deseas . Especially if u life in megapolis .
@yulyafox - your'right KARMA is a bitch !!! - so what kind of animal you were in your first life (a fox ?) - in your 2-nd you are an FLOWERPOWER - nude top model ! am i right ??? - love SCARDINGA66 (alias an old woolfe-soul in my 1-st live !!!)