What did you dress up as for Halloween?
I decided this was my year to do the crazy cat lady. Since I wanted to wear my costume to work, the idea was partially motivated by my desire to wear something comfortable, which morphed into the goal of wearing pajamas to work, which resulted in
The white cat hanging off my shirt I've had since I was a baby! I'm also proud of my hairdo, which had to meet the requirements of being tied back and covered so I wouldn't be told to put my hat on and ruin my costume.
Sometimes I just meowed at people if I didn't feel like talking. It's a crazy cat lady, right?
I didn't really do anything after work because Halloween was also my Friday, so I just wanted to relax. I ended up relaxing so hard that I didn't notice a police standoff start outside around 11pm until the next morning when I was taking out some garbage. Some guy in an apartment on the neighbouring block holed himself up "distraught" (that's all the news says) with weapons. They closed off the whole main street for a few blocks and this lasted about 20 hours. I had errands to do and every time I left or came back I had to duck under police tape on the hill right outside. No one ever yelled at me for doing it, so I guess it was there to prevent non-local foot traffic and not to keep residents in or out. All is back to normal now and the guy reportedly gave himself up.
I'm not saying "go crime" or anything but it WAS pretty neat watching the cops and all the assorted emergency vehicles from my roof! There was a cop on a roof a few buildings down, presumably the building the guy was in, and while he could have been just a cop guarding the roof I took to calling him the sniper because it sounds crazier.
Also, my cat Heidi is really cute.
She has discovered hiding in the closet on a shelf. This would be fine if she didn't knock everything off the shelf on her jump down! I think she does that on purpose. So now I'm extra careful to close the closet door when I'm done putting away laundry or whatever. Take that, cat!
Be content with cuddle time instead.
I decided this was my year to do the crazy cat lady. Since I wanted to wear my costume to work, the idea was partially motivated by my desire to wear something comfortable, which morphed into the goal of wearing pajamas to work, which resulted in

The white cat hanging off my shirt I've had since I was a baby! I'm also proud of my hairdo, which had to meet the requirements of being tied back and covered so I wouldn't be told to put my hat on and ruin my costume.
Sometimes I just meowed at people if I didn't feel like talking. It's a crazy cat lady, right?
I didn't really do anything after work because Halloween was also my Friday, so I just wanted to relax. I ended up relaxing so hard that I didn't notice a police standoff start outside around 11pm until the next morning when I was taking out some garbage. Some guy in an apartment on the neighbouring block holed himself up "distraught" (that's all the news says) with weapons. They closed off the whole main street for a few blocks and this lasted about 20 hours. I had errands to do and every time I left or came back I had to duck under police tape on the hill right outside. No one ever yelled at me for doing it, so I guess it was there to prevent non-local foot traffic and not to keep residents in or out. All is back to normal now and the guy reportedly gave himself up.
I'm not saying "go crime" or anything but it WAS pretty neat watching the cops and all the assorted emergency vehicles from my roof! There was a cop on a roof a few buildings down, presumably the building the guy was in, and while he could have been just a cop guarding the roof I took to calling him the sniper because it sounds crazier.

Also, my cat Heidi is really cute.

She has discovered hiding in the closet on a shelf. This would be fine if she didn't knock everything off the shelf on her jump down! I think she does that on purpose. So now I'm extra careful to close the closet door when I'm done putting away laundry or whatever. Take that, cat!

Be content with cuddle time instead.
An intelligent cat lady - so many often are - you know ?
Very snazzy jammies as well ! !
the cats do sell the bit - I see.
Almost like watching *reality TV* being filmed outside your window ?
Oh, maybe shit does really happen behind closed doors and shuttered windows ?
More or less *stuff* in the neighborhood - than your time in Montreal ?
Be safe, be well !
cuddle time is good