Yesterday I slept for about 20 hours out of 24. I went to bed Saturday night feeling fine but Sunday morning I woke up, made coffee, and before I'd had half a mug my stomach rebelled and vomited up the little liquid. Since that sucked, I just went back to bed. Got up for a few hours in the afternoon, and slept all night to wake up this morning feeling fine one again.
I guess my body just really, really wanted some extra sleep? Usually if I have a nap during the day I have such trouble falling asleep, but not this time. Not that I'm complaining.
Apparently in southwestern Ontario it snow-stormed so hard that people have been stranded in their cars on impassable roads for over 24 hours. As long as those storms don't shift to Toronto, please... I have to fly there next week!
What's your favourite meme of 2010?
For me, hands down, it's this dude:
I guess my body just really, really wanted some extra sleep? Usually if I have a nap during the day I have such trouble falling asleep, but not this time. Not that I'm complaining.
Apparently in southwestern Ontario it snow-stormed so hard that people have been stranded in their cars on impassable roads for over 24 hours. As long as those storms don't shift to Toronto, please... I have to fly there next week!
What's your favourite meme of 2010?
For me, hands down, it's this dude:
Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.
thought you might like this.