Guess what? Two years ago this morning my naked ass graced the front page for the first time. Remember?
I did a retrospective-style anniversary blog last year, so I don't want to rehash all that again so soon. If you're so inclined you can always go look it up, since you know what day it was and all. Don't worry, you won't be deprived of my boobs; I shot a new set with Cherry last month and it will grace your computer screens & mobile phones & iPads soon enough!
Instead, let's focus on some lovely ladies I'd love to see enjoying their first front page sets soon!
Aadie in Time Out
Ariadna in Abandoned
Saiylor in Ribbons
Parker in Shutterbug
Gabriella_ in the Mask
missanimosity in Daylight
Ambiome in Mer il et fou
Alkaline in Unthought
Of course there are many other lovely ladies with sets to admire! But there's only so much copy-and-pasting I can do at one time without going crazy! (Evidently it's not very much since I halved my linking partway through that.)
We'll save SG sets that need to go live for another day.
It was a very happy day.