A bee stung me today!
(Or a hornet, or a wasp? I'm not really good with insect identification. All yellow and black stingy things are bees to me.)
Back on track -- I got stung! This might not seem noteworthy, but until today I'd never been stung by a bee before. Never, ever. So when I felt a sudden sharp pain in my lower back, which I likened to a little bomb exploding inside my muscles, and I got my friend to look for something wrong and she proclaimed it a bee sting, I got so excited! For a moment there I must've looked like a dog chasing her tail, except I was trying to see my lower back... that wasn't so easy. Of course soon I remembered that it was hurting and my friends told me to stop scratching it, so we iced it numb and I felt fine and pleased with my new experience of the day.
It might seem strange that I was excited, or perhaps downright stupid, but I don't care. It sucked earlier in the day when everyone was talking about bees and I was the only one who had no idea what a bee sting felt like, and it sucked all my life! Just like how it sucked getting chicken pox at age 10 when most of my friends had it between three and five, so for so long I had no idea what it was like and couldn't relate. These little things have always made me feel a bit alien, so I like when they happen and I feel that much more connected. Or at the very least, like I have something to say about the subject.
I guess it's also pretty good luck that I didn't turn out to be allergic to bee stings.
(Or a hornet, or a wasp? I'm not really good with insect identification. All yellow and black stingy things are bees to me.)
Back on track -- I got stung! This might not seem noteworthy, but until today I'd never been stung by a bee before. Never, ever. So when I felt a sudden sharp pain in my lower back, which I likened to a little bomb exploding inside my muscles, and I got my friend to look for something wrong and she proclaimed it a bee sting, I got so excited! For a moment there I must've looked like a dog chasing her tail, except I was trying to see my lower back... that wasn't so easy. Of course soon I remembered that it was hurting and my friends told me to stop scratching it, so we iced it numb and I felt fine and pleased with my new experience of the day.
It might seem strange that I was excited, or perhaps downright stupid, but I don't care. It sucked earlier in the day when everyone was talking about bees and I was the only one who had no idea what a bee sting felt like, and it sucked all my life! Just like how it sucked getting chicken pox at age 10 when most of my friends had it between three and five, so for so long I had no idea what it was like and couldn't relate. These little things have always made me feel a bit alien, so I like when they happen and I feel that much more connected. Or at the very least, like I have something to say about the subject.
I guess it's also pretty good luck that I didn't turn out to be allergic to bee stings.

Sounds like a plan
While I did find something in the capacity range on NewEgg, I'm quite sure it would piss me off with how crappy it is. I'm just gonna have to stick to the 200 capacity binders directly from the company.