I had such a trip to Vancouver on the weekend! 
First of all, I can't believe it's taken me this long -- since I moved to BC in late September -- to make a trip to Vancouver. But I guess what they say is true, when you move to an island sometimes it's tough to get off! (Not that I want to. I just like little trips, y'know?) But I hope to get out there more often, especially after meeting so many awesome people!
I left Saturday morning and got downtown around 1:30pm, perfect for lunch! A funny thing about me and Vancouver... it's usually sunny when I'm there. With it being late March, I certainly expected nothing but rain, but Saturday was a gorgeous day! The sun was shining, it was warm, people were gardening... Pretty sights! I spent the rest of the afternoon with Cherry, talking geek and all sorts of things and maybe playing with a camera too...
Tita dropped by briefly and I got to meet her before the evening's festivities.
Around dinner time I headed over to Shanti's for yummy food and chilling before the SG party for the SuicideGirls Guide to Living DVD and far too many Jager. HUGE thanks and kudos to Tita and Cherry for making this all happen!!
(Go see Cherry's photos from the night. More should be surfacing, I think, but I didn't take any.)
I did take photos while I was journey to and from Vancouver, discovering new iPhone photo apps (yup, including Hipstamatic) and acting like a tourist. Sorry, but I just love the ferries and never get bored of those views!

First of all, I can't believe it's taken me this long -- since I moved to BC in late September -- to make a trip to Vancouver. But I guess what they say is true, when you move to an island sometimes it's tough to get off! (Not that I want to. I just like little trips, y'know?) But I hope to get out there more often, especially after meeting so many awesome people!
I left Saturday morning and got downtown around 1:30pm, perfect for lunch! A funny thing about me and Vancouver... it's usually sunny when I'm there. With it being late March, I certainly expected nothing but rain, but Saturday was a gorgeous day! The sun was shining, it was warm, people were gardening... Pretty sights! I spent the rest of the afternoon with Cherry, talking geek and all sorts of things and maybe playing with a camera too...

Around dinner time I headed over to Shanti's for yummy food and chilling before the SG party for the SuicideGirls Guide to Living DVD and far too many Jager. HUGE thanks and kudos to Tita and Cherry for making this all happen!!
(Go see Cherry's photos from the night. More should be surfacing, I think, but I didn't take any.)
I did take photos while I was journey to and from Vancouver, discovering new iPhone photo apps (yup, including Hipstamatic) and acting like a tourist. Sorry, but I just love the ferries and never get bored of those views!
So, got any good pranks planned for April Fool's Day?
♥ yulia
I loved the SG Guide to Living DVD, I bought the download....lots of fun!