Of your set goals for 2009, what did you accomplish?
My major set goals -- both accomplished! -- were: finish my BA and move to BC.

What I didn't accomplish... I had hoped to shoot a lot more sets in different places with different people, but every time something came up! Ah well, life happens... That just means I've got plenty up my sleeve for 2010...

And anyway, I can't really complain, I did get to be part of a really awesome multi and cameo in this bit of extreme hotness!
What is something you learnt about yourself?
I became aware of a few more areas for self-improvement, and I think I've improved a lot (always still working)!
Did you do anything you never thought you'd ever do?
Hmm... not really. I like to keep my possibilities endless, so I never really think I'll never do something.
In 2009, Did You...
Change your appearance?
Died my hair many, many times. It was pink for a few weeks! Got new ink. Went through phases of wearing makeup every day and rarely every wearing makeup. I'm in a constant state of experimentation, really.
Move to a new place?
Twice! First to the Bay Area to hang with the awesome and lovely Rambo for the summer, and then to BC.
Go to a concert?
Far too few, sadly. But a lot of open mics and jam sessions.
Go to a sporting event?
Hmm. Not really. But I watched a lot of wicked skate videos over the summer!
Get a new job?
Get a new addition to your family?
Gain new friends?
Everyone I met and miss from California, and all my new buddies here in Victoria!
California! ...San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, East Bay, Palo Alto, Santa Cruz, L.A.
Then a week in Montreal. Then a week in Toronto.
Then I moved to beautiful Victoria, BC!
Go to a wedding?
Nope. And I'm already missing too many in 2010 because I can't afford to get to them. Sigh, the troubles of having friends in too many places!
Go to a funeral?
In spirit, I attended my father's mother's funeral. We weren't close (to put it gently) and I couldn't afford to fly to it. My dad understood.
Go to the hospital?
Annual MRI, that was it.
Have any run-ins with the law?
Nope. But I remembered why I don't like customs agents.
Spend over $1000 on something?
Hmm. Nothing all at once, not that I can recall... Hell, most of the year I didn't even have $1000.
Favourite 2009...
July/August/September were all really awesome. Too hard to narrow it down beyond that!
Summer, always!
Hmm... I think I'll have to say a tie between American Fourth of July (my first!), and my non-Xmas.
Arriving in San Francisco was magical. The feeling, the emotion, the being whisked to Ocean Beach for a joint (thanks sarahg)!
My birthday! Palo Alto clothing swap. James Bay clothing swap. Halloween. PA pizza parties. Tonight, surely!
In Palo Alto: the Nuthouse
In Victoria: the Sunday Hootenanny at Logan's
Moment you laughed so hard that you cried?
Oh gosh... seriously, every day.
In 2010...
What do you look forward to?
Everything! ...while wearing my hot new massive overalls.
Happy 2010 everyone!
♥ yulia
I promise to go Waterboy on whatever ass comes my way. haha
I can watch that movie every other day. Damn, yo. DAMN. I wanna Vicki Valencourt!!!