You know how sometimes you buy beer and put it in the freezer right away so you can drink it nice and cold sooner? Well, my roommates and I are learning the hard way that we should wait until we remove the beer from the freezer to hit the bong, or else we forget all about the beer and this happens:
Cool modern art, but nothing we'd like to consume.
I got tattooed today! I'll update with pretty pictures as soon as I can, but until then, take what you can get in the bloody-bruised-and-hours-old variety:
That was right after I took the plastic off. I was going to get my artist -- Gerry Kramer at Tattoo Zoo -- to take a photo of it before the bandage, but I got lost in my New Tattoo Ecstasy and totally forgot. BUT not before I left the shop, so instead I got him to take a consolation prize photo of me with his puppy! (And puppy time is totally better than a "consolation" prize anyway.)
Gerry is awesome and everyone else in the shop is awesome too, so you should go get tattooed there if you're ever in Victoria! And if you're vegan, vegetarian, or just like cooking and kitsch, you'll know Gerry's wife, Sarah Kramer. I felt so lucky -- there I was, getting inked, and in the same room as my favourite cookbook author! Yup, she popped in and out while I was there, but I was too shy to talk to her. Plus I was kind of busy swearing into my sweater. I'm so not a fan of the shading process, I like the outlining much better! All of my artists have always told me I'm crazy because of that... Is there anyone else who likes outlining better than shading?
Happy tattoo day face!
<3 yulia