So a few days ago I woke up to one of my roommates calling me asking if I'd borrowed his girlfriend's bike that morning. "No man, I'm still in bed, try A or maybe J?" But... he'd called them already. No one borrowed the bike, which was left with the rest of them in our backyard the night before as usual. It wasn't there in the morning. That means someone who wanted to steal a bike came into our backyard, which you can't see from the street, on the offchance there would be a good bike left unlocked there.
I mean, COME ON. I'm from Montreal. You expect bikes to be stolen there. I can understand stealing a bike you find out front, or on the street or sidewalk. But in someone's backyard? A bike you couldn't have known about? COME ON!
(The bikes live inside the house now. Sigh.)
Assorted iPhone snaps from the past month...
Pretty sunset as seen lookin' out my back door.
Drunken roommate tackle!
I love the people I work with! One cook on Halloween in a child's panda costume.
I tried baking bread for the first time ever! But I guess our oven is off by a lot and I have to leave it in even longer than twice the recipe's suggested time, because the middle was still a little gooey. The crust was awesome though!! (Pretty good for a first try, I'd say. You have to start somewhere!)

(The bikes live inside the house now. Sigh.)
Assorted iPhone snaps from the past month...

Pretty sunset as seen lookin' out my back door.

Drunken roommate tackle!

I love the people I work with! One cook on Halloween in a child's panda costume.

I tried baking bread for the first time ever! But I guess our oven is off by a lot and I have to leave it in even longer than twice the recipe's suggested time, because the middle was still a little gooey. The crust was awesome though!! (Pretty good for a first try, I'd say. You have to start somewhere!)
I just read you're in Victoria now!! Oh yay! Come seee ussss!!
welcome to BC
I am originally from Ontario too