Have I ever mentioned my secret dream job?
(I'll assume not, since then I couldn't really consider it my "secret" dream job. But now I've confessed to a few different people, including my mum, so why not share some more?)
OK here goes... If I could have any job in the world, I would be a profiler, like on Criminal Minds. I can't think of much more fascinating than human behaviour and learning what makes people commit crimes. So when I was talking to my mum on the phone last week, I mentioned this and my idea of perhaps someday doing something just like that. (Probably not in the FBI, seeing as I'm not American.) So she says, What's stopping you? And I admit: Well, not much, but I checked out the requirements for various police forces across Canada and I am missing one thing... a driver's license.
OOPS! Maybe I shouldn't have let that thing expire in 2006? Ah well. I was in Montreal, living right on a metro line, and I certainly didn't need to drive. Plus, I couldn't afford a car, or even the membership fee for the city carshare program.
This is all to say that I'll be going back to Canada in the fall for [some length of time]. Not just to re-acquire a license, but because I want to go to British Columbia for a while. I absolutely adore BC and feel a need to spend some time there. So that's what I plan on doing, after visiting Montreal for the Tattoo Convention in early September, coincidentally (or not?) when Dwam and P_mod are going to be there visiting! Yaaaay that will be a fun trip.
What won't be fun about it is once AGAIN going through all my stuff (so lovingly crammed into my old roommate's new bedroom, but hey, she got my awesome old bed out of it) and preparing for another cross-continent move. No, I kid, it will be pretty fun, or at least therapeutic. Because if I've learned anything in California so far, about myself I mean, it's just how little I really need.
Though I do miss my collection of all nine seasons of The X-Files.
Happy week to you all!
♥ yulia
Little plug: I still have two sets in member review, Asana and For Girls. If you feel so inspired, have a look (or a re-look)!
(I'll assume not, since then I couldn't really consider it my "secret" dream job. But now I've confessed to a few different people, including my mum, so why not share some more?)
OK here goes... If I could have any job in the world, I would be a profiler, like on Criminal Minds. I can't think of much more fascinating than human behaviour and learning what makes people commit crimes. So when I was talking to my mum on the phone last week, I mentioned this and my idea of perhaps someday doing something just like that. (Probably not in the FBI, seeing as I'm not American.) So she says, What's stopping you? And I admit: Well, not much, but I checked out the requirements for various police forces across Canada and I am missing one thing... a driver's license.
OOPS! Maybe I shouldn't have let that thing expire in 2006? Ah well. I was in Montreal, living right on a metro line, and I certainly didn't need to drive. Plus, I couldn't afford a car, or even the membership fee for the city carshare program.
This is all to say that I'll be going back to Canada in the fall for [some length of time]. Not just to re-acquire a license, but because I want to go to British Columbia for a while. I absolutely adore BC and feel a need to spend some time there. So that's what I plan on doing, after visiting Montreal for the Tattoo Convention in early September, coincidentally (or not?) when Dwam and P_mod are going to be there visiting! Yaaaay that will be a fun trip.
What won't be fun about it is once AGAIN going through all my stuff (so lovingly crammed into my old roommate's new bedroom, but hey, she got my awesome old bed out of it) and preparing for another cross-continent move. No, I kid, it will be pretty fun, or at least therapeutic. Because if I've learned anything in California so far, about myself I mean, it's just how little I really need.
Though I do miss my collection of all nine seasons of The X-Files.
Happy week to you all!
♥ yulia
Little plug: I still have two sets in member review, Asana and For Girls. If you feel so inspired, have a look (or a re-look)!
there is place in Mission Beach with reflective windows, with all these weird peeps with bags! its so funny!
so far yes, the day is great! thanks sweetie