OK so here's where I get sappy. And mushy. And gushy.
Tomorrow, in less than 24 hours, I leave Montreal. I always knew I'd leave; I arrived knowing that. But then I hadn't left by the time I thought I would, and then it was so far in the future, and now as exciting as it is, it's all too soon. I'm not entirely packed yet...
Dear everyone I've met in Montreal, THANK YOU. For all the things it's logical to thank you for, and all the things it's not. Regardless of whether our meeting ended in hot sex or cops being called... thank you. It's been real.
Thanks especially to Shazzy for being nothing short of awesome and making me look pretty, to Lee for poking holes in me, and Fraxina for being an awesome geography nerd like me!

(If it looks like I was just crying it's because I was.)
Big kisses to you all,
♥ yulia
Catch ya on the flipside... or at least at the tattoo convention in September!

Tomorrow, in less than 24 hours, I leave Montreal. I always knew I'd leave; I arrived knowing that. But then I hadn't left by the time I thought I would, and then it was so far in the future, and now as exciting as it is, it's all too soon. I'm not entirely packed yet...
Dear everyone I've met in Montreal, THANK YOU. For all the things it's logical to thank you for, and all the things it's not. Regardless of whether our meeting ended in hot sex or cops being called... thank you. It's been real.
Thanks especially to Shazzy for being nothing short of awesome and making me look pretty, to Lee for poking holes in me, and Fraxina for being an awesome geography nerd like me!

(If it looks like I was just crying it's because I was.)
Big kisses to you all,
♥ yulia
Catch ya on the flipside... or at least at the tattoo convention in September!

Keep safe on your travels missie, ya hear me??
DUDE I can't wait to see you're ass in a few weeks!