I ordered in Chinese for dinner and I really, really like today's fortune: "Get your mind set... Confidence will lead you on." Well gee! I don't know if it counts as confidence (let's pretend it does), but I certainly am EXCITED!
Starting a new job!
Seeing the set I shot with Shazzy last week!
Getting rid of a lot of crap at our sidewalk sale tomorrow!
Going to a lovely spa with Atlea and Naruka and possibly others (?) on Sunday!
Lunch with my mummy (the good kind of family stuff!) before I run off to California!
Running off to California!!!
Experiencing Pride weekend in SF!
Moving in with Rambo on my birthday!
...yeah, I know, I totally OD'ed on exclamation marks. Ah well, such is life. And it's GOOD.

Starting a new job!
Seeing the set I shot with Shazzy last week!
Getting rid of a lot of crap at our sidewalk sale tomorrow!
Going to a lovely spa with Atlea and Naruka and possibly others (?) on Sunday!
Lunch with my mummy (the good kind of family stuff!) before I run off to California!
Running off to California!!!
Experiencing Pride weekend in SF!
Moving in with Rambo on my birthday!
...yeah, I know, I totally OD'ed on exclamation marks. Ah well, such is life. And it's GOOD.

On my way out to am appointment but home around noon or so. You around. I so can't wait to catch up and have time in my life now!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to see the new set.