I hate getting rid of books and CDs. Hate it. Not at all because I'm losing "stuff" -- please, I wish I had less stuff! -- but because books aren't just things, possessions. Books have souls and scents and spirits and I love seeing a full bookcase, read and re-read. Sometimes when I touch old pages I can remember what it felt like to read them for the first time. Or I'll find little scribbles, notes to a younger or perhaps older me.
Still, what must be done must be done, and with just over two weeks to go I'm diving into trying to get rid of as much of my stuff as possible.
My apartment has shrunk. There is one less room than there was before. What, do I live in the House of Leaves? No no, not quite. But yesterday the couple that will be moving into this apartment when my roommate and I leave came and dropped off all their stuff before going off to Greece for a month. This is so Montreal, especially in the June/July moving season. (1 July is the Official Moving Day in Quebec, if you didn't know. It's also Canada Day, which makes me think whoever started the whole Moving Day thing just want to send a big ol' EFF YOU to Ottawa.)
So Montreal. Literally for the month of June, half the city is trying to get rid of apartments and find new ones, get rid of stuff and find new stuff, and book movers and rent trucks all for one day. This, of course, makes 1 July a very terrible day to be out and about in the city. I tend to spend it with beer on a balcony, being entertained.
(Yeah, despite my ridiculous amount of moving these past few years, I have somehow always managed to avoid moving on Moving Day.
Back to the new tenants. The landlord passed on my number and they called me in a panic on Thursday; they'd planned on leaving their stuff packed up at their old place until they returned mid-July, but those new tenants suddenly changed their minds last minute and told them they had to get it out. So they called us and begged to move it in on the weekend.
Sunday morning they came (with really terrible and mean-spirited movers, we felt so bad for them!), and in just under an hour we emptied that truck into the apartment, and then fit it all into the room. A few hours later, two more vanloads, and half of my roommate's bedroom (it's this nifty double room with two doors) looks like this:
How awesome are our packing and stacking skills??
Needless to say, I hurt today.
But the cat's kinda pleased; she has a new perch:

Still, what must be done must be done, and with just over two weeks to go I'm diving into trying to get rid of as much of my stuff as possible.
My apartment has shrunk. There is one less room than there was before. What, do I live in the House of Leaves? No no, not quite. But yesterday the couple that will be moving into this apartment when my roommate and I leave came and dropped off all their stuff before going off to Greece for a month. This is so Montreal, especially in the June/July moving season. (1 July is the Official Moving Day in Quebec, if you didn't know. It's also Canada Day, which makes me think whoever started the whole Moving Day thing just want to send a big ol' EFF YOU to Ottawa.)
So Montreal. Literally for the month of June, half the city is trying to get rid of apartments and find new ones, get rid of stuff and find new stuff, and book movers and rent trucks all for one day. This, of course, makes 1 July a very terrible day to be out and about in the city. I tend to spend it with beer on a balcony, being entertained.

(Yeah, despite my ridiculous amount of moving these past few years, I have somehow always managed to avoid moving on Moving Day.

Back to the new tenants. The landlord passed on my number and they called me in a panic on Thursday; they'd planned on leaving their stuff packed up at their old place until they returned mid-July, but those new tenants suddenly changed their minds last minute and told them they had to get it out. So they called us and begged to move it in on the weekend.
Sunday morning they came (with really terrible and mean-spirited movers, we felt so bad for them!), and in just under an hour we emptied that truck into the apartment, and then fit it all into the room. A few hours later, two more vanloads, and half of my roommate's bedroom (it's this nifty double room with two doors) looks like this:

How awesome are our packing and stacking skills??

Needless to say, I hurt today.
But the cat's kinda pleased; she has a new perch:

I'm getting in the habit of not buying books. I got myself an SF library card and take them out now. Part of me feel bad that they're not being used after I read them ha. Oh well
Welcome to SF!