Finally started up my Only Fans. I love it. It’s like if SG was Instagram. 😘 Should be fun.
Here’s a peek at my post today. Spoiler alert. I’m sick.
Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, MAN. SO not only are we staying in one of the most haunted hotels in New Orleans on FRIDAY THE 13th! But it’s also gonna be a full moon?!? I’m gonna be so scared, you guys. I’m gonna end up sleeping in my car.
Even so, I’m so ready for this vacation! You guys ready for picture overload?? If any
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Sorry all my selfies are so shitty... I need better lighting in my room and a new phone already... but ANYWAY! Following the trend, today was better than yesterday. Nipple piercing is healing reaaaal well, but omg the itch!!! And since they feel bruised, there's no way I can touch them. Trying to pick a location for a photo shoot but in no rush from
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Alright, I will work on being more consistent with posting and replying back, but my computer is currently not put together, so it’ll be just a little longer. This website is not as iPhone friendly as I would like, or maybe my phone is just old and I need a new one already. But all the same, I’ll get back in the swing of all...
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makes me a sad panda.
btw. i'd realllllly like to meet you while you're in town. make it happen, kaythanks.