I have written and deleted this blog over and over trying to find the words to express everything that's happened this year.. Here's the best I could possibly do.
This past year was my first year in the SG world and I can honestly say it's nothing like I had expected!
There have been twists, turns, friendships made and love has grown and I am beyond excited to start this new year!
This year I had shot my debut "thinkin bout you" with @haileigh we even got posted on the official Suicide Girl Instagram story ,
I also met my best friend and shot a set with her awkward ass! The duo is with @orphic whom of which I've only grown to love more and more. It was my first duo and also my first near death experience haha. (A light fell into our running shower and broke)with miss as our photographer @sirenerouge as well as a second set that Sirene shot for me. Sadly these 2 sets may never see the light of day thanks to technology sucking ass; the drive broke and is currently trying to be recovered so here is praying! There is also a go fund me going to cover the cost of the repair as its said to be over 2000$ at this point.
And after all that fun I couldn't simply stop there!! I continued to work with photographers to shoot content and grow as a model. I shot a set that's to come live in 2 weeks called Taking Time for Miracles with my lovely fiancΓ© @puddindips. (once its live I will post links here!!)
And shortly after my best friend from high school came to visit miss @classicana and we painted my house ! well I painted while she took naughty photos!! With her creativity we came up with my favourite set so far " a blue world which is now just over a month away from being live on site! (again will post a link when its time)
After all that crazy I had a break, a moment to reflect on all that I had done and to think about where I wanted to go from there. I stalked photographer pages over and over to find the perfect photographers for different sets that I had visions for.
In November @aurralee and I made some How I met your mother magic with "pulling them off" which is soon to hit that darn que! here is a bts!! I can't wait to see this set !!!
Now you may think that Ive been busy in the SG world but im dying to keep shooting. It's brought me so much love with my own body and I continue to grow and make friends every where I go.
In December I shot a debut for a close friend and @puddindips shot another 2 sets for me I don't have any previews of the debut or from one of my sets due to being at work and not at home editing but the set I do have a preview from was amazing.
Imagine being outdoors, the edge of a cliff known as the end of the world and naked looking over the river with the love of your life taking photos of your pussy for the world to see... pretty fun right!! That my friends is how we spent our anniversary! The set with a traveling skirt! This skirt started in Vancouver and is to be sent all over the world in the next year and I'm thrilled I had the chance to shoot in it and for SG on top of that!! I can not wait to see what 2019 brings !!
Next up in the world of Novha off on a road trip to shoot with @kezia to make more magic!! Cant wait !!!!
love you all!! Thank your for your love and support my first year! xoxo