Quick astronomy lesson.
For those who live in the northern hemisphere, winter is the time of Orion. Is one of the easiest constelations to see in the sky, and most of the people can find it without many problems. Here's a picture of it:
If we follow Orion's belt (the three closer stars in the middle) to the left, close to the horizon, depending on how close to the equator you are, you'll find a really bright star. That's Sirius, actually the brighter star in the sky.
Some of you may be thinking "hold on a second! there's a brighter star to the right of Orion!". That, my friends, is not a star. It's Jupiter. After the sun, the moon, and Venus, it's the brighter object in the sky. Venus won't be visible again until April, and it will be closer to the horizon.
If you look up and left the red bright star on the top left corner of Orion (Betelgeuse), you'll find two other stars, quite bright as well (though not as bright as Sirius, Betelgeuse or Rigel). Those are Castor and Polux, the heads of the twins (Gemini).
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do
For those who live in the northern hemisphere, winter is the time of Orion. Is one of the easiest constelations to see in the sky, and most of the people can find it without many problems. Here's a picture of it:

If we follow Orion's belt (the three closer stars in the middle) to the left, close to the horizon, depending on how close to the equator you are, you'll find a really bright star. That's Sirius, actually the brighter star in the sky.
Some of you may be thinking "hold on a second! there's a brighter star to the right of Orion!". That, my friends, is not a star. It's Jupiter. After the sun, the moon, and Venus, it's the brighter object in the sky. Venus won't be visible again until April, and it will be closer to the horizon.
If you look up and left the red bright star on the top left corner of Orion (Betelgeuse), you'll find two other stars, quite bright as well (though not as bright as Sirius, Betelgeuse or Rigel). Those are Castor and Polux, the heads of the twins (Gemini).
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do

Ojal huela a pink XD
tu si que ets un solet!!