Update!!! I got a new job. I am now the head athletic trainer for a high school in Georgia. While I never really pictured myself at a high school, this place is amazing. It looks like a small college campus. While its not a big division I school nice, its a hell of a lot better than some of the division II schools that I have been to. I have an office. My own office. And not some random room that they shoved a desk into. An actual office. I have three training rooms and the possibility of getting another one at the baseball and softball complex. And yes, I said complex. I have a pretty nice size budget to order supplies, and they are paying me 4x what I have been making the past 3 years. And as soon as I get my teaching certificate I willbe teaching a few classes. Which I'm really looking forward to. I've been told that I am a good teacher and I should be in a class room. Now today is only me second day but it feels like much longer. I got to work about 8:30 yesterday morning and spent the morning and early afternoon in meetings. I was told about 2 that football would be practicing that night. No big deal. They then told me that it was midnight madness and practice would be starting at 12:01. So I immediately went home, cooked dinner and took a nap. Woke up, took my dog for a walk and the went back to work about 8:30. Practice was good and there was about 350 people there for the midnight madness. It was kinda cool. I finally got home at 3am, took a shower, ate, and got to sleep a little after 4. I was doing fine until my alarm went off at 8:30 and I had to get up. I am tired. I spent 5 hours today cleaning my TR and it is still not done. We are having a walk thru right now and then practice at 7, if its not to hot. All I can say is that I will sleep very well tonight. As soon as I get my internet set up I will be more active. Working from my phone kinda sucks. And I miss seeing all the beautiful sets that go up. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day!!

Bravo nothing better than a new job that you love! Congrats!

(Hank you all!!