1. I love the front page, and MR keeps calling me back.
2. People are stupid. Atleast the people that I have had contact with today. It started with people trying to get in for free and not paying, to the person who currently has me blocked in and is also blocking the dumpster. And then there are the people that I work with. They are lazy asses who are beginning to take advantage of my good nature. I am not the damn janitor. And when I am sick they really do not have to pile up the garbage while I am gone and leave it for me when I get back. That pisses me off. When I'm sick am I supposed to come in just to dump the garbage? I came in yesterday sick as a dog and cleaned for three hours cause apparently no one here knows how to fucking do that. I'm tired of this job. It's not what I signed up for. I'm tired of all the high school students who come in here thinking they are the shit when they really just look and sound like shit. I'm tiredof a lot of things. And it really doesn't help that this is a dry spell. But most of all people have just pissed me off today and I'm kinda over it. If I didn't need the job, I'd be gone. I have an interview at the end of march to go back to school. I need this position. I really don't know how much more of this I can take.
2. People are stupid. Atleast the people that I have had contact with today. It started with people trying to get in for free and not paying, to the person who currently has me blocked in and is also blocking the dumpster. And then there are the people that I work with. They are lazy asses who are beginning to take advantage of my good nature. I am not the damn janitor. And when I am sick they really do not have to pile up the garbage while I am gone and leave it for me when I get back. That pisses me off. When I'm sick am I supposed to come in just to dump the garbage? I came in yesterday sick as a dog and cleaned for three hours cause apparently no one here knows how to fucking do that. I'm tired of this job. It's not what I signed up for. I'm tired of all the high school students who come in here thinking they are the shit when they really just look and sound like shit. I'm tiredof a lot of things. And it really doesn't help that this is a dry spell. But most of all people have just pissed me off today and I'm kinda over it. If I didn't need the job, I'd be gone. I have an interview at the end of march to go back to school. I need this position. I really don't know how much more of this I can take.