I've been up since midnight. Slept 4 hours before that. So for those keeping track, I'm going on 12 hours, 4 more hours left at work. Then to the block to take care of family business, then home to cook and take care of the dogs, and then I'm going to bed. Hopefully before 7 cause tomorrow is another early day. I hope to be back..
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
So today just became a good one. I'm leaving the site for financial r… -
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
And now she getting married. Oh well. On a much lighter note. Thanks … -
Thursday Sep 06, 2012
Today I am 30. -
Monday Aug 13, 2012
Anyone out there in the Bainbridge GA area? I've been here about two … -
Wednesday Aug 01, 2012
Update!!! I got a new job. I am now the head athletic trainer for a … -
Thursday Jul 26, 2012
I had something really good to say this morning, then I got busy, and… -
Friday Jul 13, 2012
So happy Happy day. While I have not gotten to ride my bike, and my … -
Thursday Jul 12, 2012
This back thing is really starting to get old. Rehab and stretching… -
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
I haven't been able to ride my bike for 11 days. Now while that does… -
Friday Jul 06, 2012
Possible torn disc tissue. Going to rehab the hell out of this thing…