Good Monday morning to you all. The week has started off pretty nicely so far. I got to sleep in, ran some errands for the family, and now I'm just hanging out with my aunt until I have to go to work. And work should be pretty easy for the next two weeks. After that things will change and I should stay very busy. But I am getting a pay increase which should make everything else come out even. I've started the look for schools again. Hopefully this time I will be able to actually leave. Unless the job that I will be moving into will support me enough that I can finally take care of myself and move away from my mother. But for now it is a good Monday.
More Blogs
Monday Jul 02, 2012
Just got a shot in the ass! It hurt! and BURNED! This damn thing be… -
Monday Jul 02, 2012
Yep, back hurts so bad right now I'm considering going to the ER!!! -
Friday May 25, 2012
Just really glad it's Friday -
Tuesday May 15, 2012
All I can say is this: I don't know what is next to come and … -
Friday May 11, 2012
Thank You Foo Fighters Once upon a time I was somebody else. In … -
Wednesday May 02, 2012
So which movie do you like better? Se7ev or Fight Club? Or is t… -
Tuesday May 01, 2012
I love you I miss you Please come back -
Thursday Apr 26, 2012
Hey!! Would anyone like to get a drink soon? -
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Can anyone tell me why people feel like they must continue to talk as… -
Wednesday Apr 18, 2012
What can I say about to day? It has been long and I'm ready to go ho…